Party leaders, officeholders, candidates, and advisors address the press and the American people. Includes the Kennedys, the Clintons, FDR, Truman, Carter, Obama, and many others explaining what the Democratic Party stands for and strategies for winning elections. Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom.Huey Long, "Share the Wealth"�Franklin Delano Roosevelt, campaign speechesJoseph Kennedy, opposition to entering WWIIAdlai Stevenson, 1956 DNC acceptance speechJohn F. Kennedy, Inauguration AddressGeorge Wallace, 1963 Inaugural AddressLyndon Baines Johnson, Voting Rights LegislationRobert Kennedy, Day of Affirmation speechHubert Humphrey, nomination acceptance speechStrom Thurmond, speech at UCLAHenry Jackson, press conference on Middle EastBarbara Jordan, DNC Keynote AddressJimmy Carter, "Crisis of Confidence"�Shirley Chisolm, speech at Greenfield Community CollegeJesse Jackson, "David & Goliath"�Mario Cuomo, "Tale of Two Cities"� 1984 DNC ConventionBella Abzug, "Women's Involvement in Government"�Bill Clinton, Welfare Reform LegislationTed Kennedy, Child Health Care LegislationBarack Obama, "A More Perfect Union"�Madeleine Albright, International Women's DayAl Sharpton, fiftieth anniversary of March on WashingtonJohn Lewis, fiftieth anniversary of Bloody SundayAl Gore, Climate Change speech in TorontoHarry Reid, opposition to Donald TrumpHillary Clinton, Al Smith DinnerElizabeth Warren, opposition to Trump victoryBarbara Boxer, Abolish the Ele