You are bidding on a vintage Knight KP-50 stereo tube preamp, a rarely seen model. This unit is desirable because of the variable phono loading control feature. All tubes are included, are vintage tubes, and are untested. I brought this preamplifier up on a variac slowly over a few hours to verify that it lights up. Yes, it does. Beyond that, I no longer have anything to plug this machine into to test, so it is sold as-is, for parts or repair, and I assume that it's probably broken in some way and/or needs some kind of work, returns, no partial-refunds, please...thanks. One of the RCA connectors on the main output looks flaky as hell. Otherwise, I have had this stored in my back room for years and can't remember what the deal with it is. Don't even remember where I bought it. Rest assured it will be properly packed. I ship WORLDWIDE. Thanks for bidding and good luck!