Our Sango Sea Coral Powder is vegan and 100% raw. For you, we exclusively choose raw foods, that have not been genetically modified and provide them in our products without additives or flavors. Our Sango powder has been controlled for contamination and comes with a certificate of analysis. It has not been irradiated and gently dried. To give you the best dose of calcium and magnesium, we offer Sango Sea Coral powder in premium Quality.

The Sango Sea Coral is native to Japan. It is found exclusively around the island of Okinawa. The Sango Sea Coral provides an abundance of over 70 minerals and trace elements, so that even a small daily dose of 2.4g Sango Sea Coral powder provides the body with 576mg of calcium and 266mg of magnesium. This is already more than half of the daily calcium requirement (1000mg) and at the same time almost the complete daily magnesium requirement (300-400mg). Sango Sea Coral is also suitable for vegetarians and vegans, although the coral itself is an animal. The coral constantly deposits lime, thereby building huge coral reefs over the centuries. However, the animals themselves are neither used nor exploited for the production of Sango Sea Coral powder, nor is their living disturbed. Only the naturally broken off parts of the coral framework, which the coral animals once formed, are collected.

Ingredients: 100% pure Sango Sea Coral powder

Origin: Okinawa, Japan

Recommended intake: 2g daily

Packaging: resealable kraft paper pouch