Diurnal Cortisol Test 4 Panels. 

Do you over-react to stress? Are you tired all the time? Do you have problems sleep? Do you have problems losing weight?
You get your results and now you need to figure out what that means and what you need to take to correct your cortisol imbalance. 
You don't need to worry about this anymore. This product comes with physician recommendations and results interpretation! 
Discover the best time for you to burn fat and build muscle. Have you noticed that you work out just as hard as before, but you still can't lose weight or build muscle? By measuring if you have excess cortisol at different times in the day, we can determine the best time for you to burn fat and build muscle. Cortisol is a fat storing hormone and if the cortisol is high at the time, you work out it makes it much more difficult for you to burn fat and build muscle.

Not sold to Maryland residents.