VMEP bump steer gauges use twin dial gauges to measure wheel steer during suspension movement.

Each gauge is height adjustable to suite a range of wheel and tyre diameters with four studs, and features an etched plaque to relate the dial gauge spacing to the wheel diameter of the car. This allows for bump steer to be read in relation to the wheel diameter, as typically done with tracking.

A four or five hole hub plate is supplied (with a scale attached) that can be locked in place with a wheel nut or bolt, and the two dial gauges then positioned in contact with the plate. Bump steer can then be read off each dial gauge (the twin gauge design allows the user to eliminate reading errors caused by the changes in track width) over a range of suspension travel.


Typical suspension systems such as twin wishbone independent arrangements create changes in track width with suspension movement due to the nature of the design, the links and therefore wheels follow an arc.

Using twin dial gauges allows you to note whether you are measuring changes in track width or changes in bump steer, by noting the difference between each dial gauge.

If one gauge is used, you are unaware as to what the gauge may be reading which leads to incorrect adjustments being made.

Note: price shown includes VAT and delivery to the UK.

Finance options are available via the website.