Drill Electric or battery, 31mm OR ABOUT 1.25 INCHES

This model is better than most because is has a cover on the inside of the door so no one can look into the room.


On the outside of the door, select the spot for installation by measuring side to side of the door and locating the center.
Begin cutting the hole from outside and continue until pilot drill protrudes to the inside of the door(the other side from starting pint).
Next complete the hole by cutting from the inside to the side drilled first, using the point where the pilot drill came through the door.
Now complete the hole cutting completely through the door.
Install the DOOR SCOPE 1 by screwing the two halves together through the hole you just cut.

The first pictures shows the viewer with the width of my front door.

Maybe a 15 minute job


If you use this viewer no one can use a device to look into your space.

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