Artist:  ALEXANDER CALDER (American, 1898 - 1976)
Title:   "Calder - Mobile et Lithographies" - 1974
Medium:  Original Lithograph Poster printed offset
Signature:  Signed in the plate; with the publisher/printer's blind/dry stamp (impressed seal)
Edition:  Exact number unknown; believed to be less than 1000
Size:  30 1/2 x 22 2/8 inches (sheet)
Printer / Publisher:  Mourlot Graphics Ltd.
Provenance:  Hatay Stratton Fine Art, Northampton, Massachusettes
About the Artist:   Alexander Calder, internationally famous by his mid-30s, is renowned for developing a new idiom in modern art-the mobile.  His works in this mode, from miniature to monumental, are called mobiles (suspended moving sculptures), standing mobiles (anchored moving sculptures) and stabiles (stationary constructions).  Calder's abstract works are characteristically direct, spare, buoyant, colorful and finely crafted. He made ingenious, frequently witty, use of natural and manmade materials, including wire, sheetmetal, wood and bronze.  Calder was prolific and worked throughout his career in many art forms. He produced drawings, oil paintings, watercolors, etchings, gouache and serigraphy. He also designed jewelry, tapestry, theatre settings and architectural interiors.  Calder died in 1976.