Unweighted Chakra Reiki Healing Tuning forks

Tuning Forks from the Land of Yoga, meditation, Spirutual & Cosmic Healing Therapies
We bring to you MAGICAL Healing Tuning Forks from INDIA
Low prices - Directly Ships from the Factory
High Quality Material Made with Mathematical Precision in Temperature controlled Enviroment
FREE Worldwide Shipping with registered mail - Delivery time 3-4 weeks

Item Description


First of all, we have to recognize that apart from the physical bodies, it's the feeling behind the events that affects our lives. Each "chakra" is a seat of emotions and feelings that is related to certain organs. The "root" or base chakra is associated with security and survival issues. The " navel" chakra is associated with sexuality and sensations. The primary emotions related to the "solar plexus" chakra are power , ego and status. The chakra associates with feelings of choice. The "heart" chakra is associated with compassion and unconditional love. Feeling of being unloved, unwanted, unworthy and alone affect the organs like the heart, lungs and the thymus gland. The "throat" chakra relates to our expression and our creativity. The "brow" chakra is associated with intuition and trust issues. The "crown" chakra gets involved when we feel that life has no meaning. The diseases bthat we suffer are a call by the charkas to confront the feelings or issues that each of them deal with. Sometimes a person can fall sick to get attention and love. In healing through the charkas we have to realize that we are responsible for our problems and our cure is within. No healer has a miracle. Everybody knows his or her own truth. The healer helps to get in touch with the body's own wisdom by giving support to open up, to make aware of our feelings. T
he healer helps to see where the energy is blocked. It may be manifesting at another level than the obvious one.

1st Root/Muladhara - 194.18 Hz

Sacral/Svadhisthana -210.42 Hz

Solar Plexus/Manipura 126.22 Hz

Heart/Anahata - 136.10 Hz
(also OM Fork)

Throat/Vishuddha - 141.27 Hz

Third Eye/Ajna - 221.23 Hz

7th Crown/Sahasrara - 172.06 Hz

Chakra Set are another set of forks that can be used with the Chakra. This set consists of 7 forks and unlike the Harmonic Spectrum, which is tuned to the Pythagorean Scale (also known as the Just Scale), these forks are NOT based on a musical scale. They are based on the mathematical rotation of the planets
around our Sun

The Chakra Tuning Forks work more on the cosmic multi-dimensions of our chakras, our subtle bodies and other energy gateways & pathways.

In comparison, the Harmonic Spectrum Set works at a more physical level with the chakras than the Chakra Tuning Forks. The Harmonic Spectrum Set is tuned to the Just Scale and is more in touch with the physical plane of existence. The physical plane is denser, more crystallized, more cognitive, centered more around the 5 human senses and the tissues, fluids, bones, organs, etc. of our physical body.

Using precise mathmatical formulas of our Solar System's planetary cycles, these forks have been created to connect to our cosmic multi-dimensional selves which are eternal, extremely subtle and are accessable through gateways. ladders, layers and multi-dimensional levels of energy. These forks provide pathways to a Cosmic Universal understanding of All of Life and our never-ending Soul's relationship to it.

These tuning forks were developed by a Swiss mathematician and musicologist Hans Cousto.
1st ROOT/BASE- 194.18 Hz - The ROOT fork is the same frequency as an Earth Day which is 24 hours. The energy is dynamic, stimulating, vitalizing and tonifying. The color is Orange-Red. It is the frequency that influences the physical body. Very effective on the pubic bone and coccyx.

2nd SACRAL - 210.42 Hz - The SACRAL fork is the same frequency as the Synodic Moon, which is the time of the full moon. This tone stimulates sexual energy and supports erotic communication. Also good for woman's cycles and for disturbances of the glandular and lymphathic systems. The color is Orange. Useful on the belly between the pubic bone and naval and also on the sacrum.

3rd SOLAR PLEXUS - 126.22 Hz - The SOLAR PLEXUS fork is the same frequency as our solar systems central star, the Sun. The Sun is the trasmitter and receiver of energies between Earth and the Cosmos. It is the zero point or the point of stillness between Yin and Yang, and all cycles. This tone advances the magical and the transcendental. The color is Green. Useful on the solar plexus.

4th HEART - 136.10 Hz (Cosmic OM) - The HEART fork is tuned to the OM vibration and resonates to the Earth Year or the time it takes the Earth to rotate around the sun, which is one year or 365 days. This tone promotes deep relaxation and sedation. The color is Blue-Green. It is the frequency that influences the soul. Very effective on the sternum between the breasts and at the base of the sternum. For more information see the OM Tuner.

5th THROAT - 141.27 Hz - The THROAT fork is the same frequency as the planet Mercury. This tone supports the speech center and all forms of communication. The color is Blue. Effective on the throat and the vertabrae at the base of the neck.

6th 3RD EYE - 221.23 Hz - The 3RD EYE fork is the same frequency as the planet Venus. This tone promotes a great flow of love energy and inner harmony. The color is bright Yellow-Orange. Use on the 3rd Eye, directly between the eyebrows.

7th CROWN - 172.06 Hz - The CROWN fork is the same frequency as the Platonic Year, which is 25,920 years. It is the time the axis of the Earth takes to complete a full rotation. The tone supports cheerfulness, clarity of spirit, supports cosmic unity and is antidepressive. The color is Red-Violet/ Purple. F is the tone of the principle of Joyous Spirit. It is the gateway to spiritual heaven and the connecting link to the Tao in its purest form. Use on the crown chakra at the top of the head in alignment with the tops of the ears.






Seven Tuning Forks
Velvet Case
Activator or mallet
What does that mean?
  • Prongs physically move with less motion. When the stem end is placed on the body, can physically feel the vibration more subtly.
  • Sound does not last as long, but the sound is sharper and more crystallized.
  • Fork is lighter in weight.
  • Fork is longer than the same fork weighted.


 UNWEIGHTED tuning forks are perfect for using individually or harmonically especially in the ENERGY FIELD. Use them harmonically by gently  tapping two forks together or by striking them.

Material : These Remarkable Tuning forks are made of Special Aluminium alloy which is heat treated and gauranteed to be tuned to an accuracy of +/- 0.25%
Each fork is calibrated to create a pure frequency. They tone accurately, longer & stronger than steel tuning forks & vibrate at the highest possible levels. Unlike steel tuning forks, AL alloy tuning forks frequencies also create a vibration of subtle overtones & are designed for healers & practitioners of Vibrational Energy Medicine as well as for those who want to create their own healing experience with sound.
Correct Way to hold a Tuning fork:


Several ways to tone your tuning forks:

  1. 1. for the softest sound, tap tuning forks on a hard muscle such as the thigh near the knee or the firmest part of the palm of your hand
  2. 2. for a slightly louder sound, tap gently on your knee cap
  3. 3. for a loud sound, strike with our Rubber Mallet
  4. 4.for the loudest sound, very gently tap two tuning forks against each other or tap a single fork on the edge of a hard surface such as a table



Tone a single fork or two forks together to create a harmonic and either hold or move above the body or place stem end on:

  • any tissue of the body such as bones, organs and muscles
  • acupuncture points or meridian energy lines (known as Soundpuncture]
  • reflex zones of feet, hands, ears or head
  • chakras or transition points between chakras, front or back
  • a crystal as you direct the crystal toward the recipient
  • any vessel containing flower essences, gem elixers, homeopathics, purified water, or any vibrational remedy
  • planetary acupuncture points at various locations on planet Earth
  • sweep through the subtle layers of energy field
  • stroke meridians
  • when toning two forks together, you can use to balance left/right, top/bottom, or front/back of the body
  • move through a room to fill a space with a particular frequency
  • move all around a person to clear discordant energies and fill their aura with a particular frequency

Payment Policy

  • PayPal is Accepted for International Buyers
  • Buyers making a purchase on ebay India site www.ebay.in can also pay by Credit Card using Paisapay
  • For values over US$ 1000.00 we also accept bank transfers details for which can be provided on request.
  • Item will be shipped within 5 days of payment recipt. If any delays you will be informed about the same by mail
