Horsemanship - Buck Brannaman DVD

Horsemanship is an overview on how Buck Brannaman works with riders and their horses to help them achieve the goals of his horsemanship clinics - a true, honest communication between horse and rider. The riders in the video work on real life problems in a question and answer format.

Brannaman is widely recognized as a top horseman by the best in the business. He's also a husband and a father, a trick roper (he holds two titles in the Guinness Book of World's Records) and since the mid-80's, he's criss-crossed the country dozens of times to address the plight of horse owners and their misunderstood mounts in 30 states. To the 2,500 - 3,000 people who attend his colt starting and horsemanship clinics in 42 locations each year Brannaman is a mix of mentor, living legend and folk hero.

After a session with Buck, horses that refuse fences, won't be caught or are difficult to bridle, horses that bolt, shy, kick, bite, strike, buck and rear, or horses that refuse to get into a trailer....all come away with the remarkable capacity to leave these problems behind. This occurs without the use of whips, lip chains, hobbles, pulleys, leverage bits and the like. "The results of his approach are extraordinary," observed a spectator at his clinic in Idyllwild, CA earlier this year. "Buck is authentic. To watch him work with a horse is as inspiring as it is unforgettable."

Brannaman makes it clear that anyone can achieve these changes in a horse; if they are serious about learning how these non-aggressive techniques are successfully applied. And he should know &endash; because since 1987 he's started more than 4,000 colts for the public. At his demonstrations and clinics around the country - and in Australia - he shows how this is done, step-by-step.