Say hello to Ola, the new brand that supports Dr Mercola's long-time mission of bringing you plant-based ingredients for a simple, effective clean every day.


  • Organic Tea Tree Oil
  • Organic Tulsi Oil
  • Xylitol
  • Organic Aloe

Ola Botanicals® Tulsi-Mint Toothpaste offers a natural, effective way to help achieve optimal oral health without ingredients that are risky for you and the earth. Using organic ingredients whenever available, this refreshing fluoride-free toothpaste contains no:

  • Carrageenan or other potentially carcinogenic ingredients
  • Harsh chemical foaming agents like SLS or SLES
  • Artificial flavours, sweeteners, dyes or preservatives
  • GMO ingredients
  • Harshly abrasive whitening agents
  • Potentially dangerous antimicrobials like Triclosan

Additional Information

Did you know the inside lining of your mouth – your oral mucosa – can absorb more than 90 percent of what it comes in contact with?

This means any ingredient in your toothpaste, including a potentially hazardous one, is likely to pass directly into your bloodstream.

So what kind of chemicals are we talking about? It’s not easy to know. The box typically gets tossed in the trash and ingredients usually aren’t on the tube.

What’s more, manufacturers don’t even have to list all the ingredients on their packaging, including potential carcinogens and impurities, because many of these hazardous substances are created during the manufacturing process!

What’s in YOUR toothpaste?

Here are listed ingredients for one of the top-selling toothpastes:

  • Sodium Fluoride - A poison that accumulates in your bones and tissues
  • Triclosan -  May affect your thyroid, brain, and reproductive functioning
  • Hydrated Silica - A component of sand that can damage your enamel
  • Glycerin - Likely sourced from a genetically engineered vegetable oil
  • Sorbitol - A sugar alcohol that’s likely genetically engineered
  • PVM/MA Copolyme - Can potentially break down your mouth lining
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulphate - A gastrointestinal irritant and potential carcinogen
  • Propylene Glycol - A tissue “penetration enhancer” used in antifreeze
  • Sodium Saccharin - An artificial sweetener
  • FD&C Blue No.1 - Petrochemical dyes that are allowed in toothpaste, but banned from food
  • D&C Yellow No.10 - Petrochemical dyes that are allowed in toothpaste, but banned from food

There have been concerns for all of these ingredients. Here is some light into them so you find out what your brushing with day in day out. 

Does Sodium Fluoride really protect your teeth?

If your dentist practices conventional dentistry, he or she most likely advises you to use toothpaste that contains sodium fluoride.

In fact, all toothpastes with the “ADA Accepted” seal must contain sodium fluoride. That’s the American Dentist Association’s standard.

But do you really need it? And above all, is it safe?

According to the ADA, fluoride makes tooth enamel stronger and more resistant to tooth decay. It helps re-mineralise weakened tooth enamel and may reverse early signs of tooth decay.

However, recent research challenges the ADA’s long-held belief. A 2010 study found that the supposedly beneficial layer that forms on your teeth from fluoride is only six nano-meters thick.

To appreciate how thin this is, you'd need 10,000 of these layers to equal the width of a single strand of hair!

And here’s the real kicker: Simple chewing disrupts this so-called protective layer!

This raises the question of whether the fluoride in toothpaste does much or anything to safeguard your tooth enamel. But that’s just the beginning.

What many people don’t realise about Fluoride

Dr Mercola's biggest problem with fluoride is that it carries a poison warning and can accumulate in your tissues and bones.

When kids ingest or absorb significant amounts of fluoride from toothpaste or fluoridated water during their first eight years of life, it can lead to mottling of the teeth, or dental fluorosis marked by unsightly yellow or brown stains and pits formed in the tooth enamel.

Children naturally swallow more toothpaste than do adults, so that puts them at an even greater risk of fluoride toxicity at a time when it can do the most harm.

Mottled and pitted teeth aren’t the only things that can result from too much fluoride. These other potential ill effects may occur too. Fluoride:

  • Accumulates in your bones and can affect your flexibility, joint comfort, and bone strength
  • May interfere with your thyroid function
  • Can affect your brain function and may damage the developing brain

Dr Mercola are not convinced that the possible benefits of fluoride in toothpaste outweigh its far more serious potential health effects, especially since it can accumulate in tissues and bones.

Because most of us get far too much fluoride from other sources, they don’t believe fluoride should be added to your drinking water nor does it need to be in your toothpaste.

Other ingredients you can well do without

In their recently released report, Behind the Dazzling Smile, the Cornucopia Institute lists other common ingredients in toothpaste to avoid:

  • Carrageenan – Research links carrageenan to gastrointestinal inflammation, including higher rates of colon cancer, in laboratory animals. This is not something you need or want in your toothpaste yet nearly all toothpastes, even ones in health food stores, contain it.
  • Triclosan – Commonly used as a preservative and antimicrobial agent. May affect your levels of thyroid hormone and testosterone. Animal studies show it can interfere with brain and reproductive system functioning.

    Although Triclosan may soon be banned in hand sanitizers and soaps, it will still be allowed in toothpaste.

  • Parabens – These synthetic preservatives mimic estrogen and can act as potential endocrine disruptions. Some believe parabens may be carcinogenic.

    With their ability to penetrate skin (and mouth mucosa), watch out for names like methylparaben, propylparaben and other “parabens.”

  • Hydrated Silica – Used to help remove debris and stains, this commonly used abrasive is a component of sand. Over time, it can scratch and damage your tooth enamel and may prevent tooth remineralisation by changing your mouth’s acidic balance.
  • SLS and SLES – For foaming and cleansing power, surfactants like Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES) are known skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritants. Both have a moderate toxicity to your organs, and may break down the protective lining of your mouth.
  • Polyethylene Glycols and Propylene Glycol – Considered “penetration enhancers” in that they boost absorption of other ingredients in toothpaste directly through your mouth tissue. Propylene glycol, a known skin irritant, is the active ingredient in engine coolants and antifreeze.

These are just some of the potentially hazardous ingredients you can find in popular toothpastes. There are more, including this next one. 

Red is for roses – Not for toothpaste!

Many top-selling toothpastes contain dyes, especially those marketed to children. Some parents claim their kids are more likely to brush if the toothpaste is pleasing to the eye.

Here’s what you need to know about dyes used in toothpaste:

  • They’re mostly made from petrochemicals
  • They may contain as much as 10 percent impurities, either from the chemicals used or from by-products formed during the manufacturing process
  • They can contain heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic
  • The three most widely used dyes, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, are contaminated with known carcinogens
  • D&C dyes are banned from use in food but are allowed in toothpaste

Remember our above ingredient list from one of the top selling toothpastes? It contains both FD&C blue and D&C yellow dyes.

How about ‘Natural’ toothpastes – Are they any better?

Just as the word "natural" doesn’t mean anything with food, it’s just as meaningless with toothpaste.

And since toothpaste isn’t regulated, there’s no guarantee that a "natural" toothpaste won’t contain potentially harmful ingredients.

While most natural toothpastes don’t contain dyes, and you can find some without fluoride, many use some of the same synthetic ingredients commonly found in brand name toothpastes, including:

  • Carrageenan for thickening and mouth feel
  • Formaldehyde-releasing preservatives
  • Triclosan as a preservative and antimicrobial
  • Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulphate (SLES) as foaming agents  
  • Hydrated Silica derived from sand as an abrasive for polishing teeth

Genetically engineered ingredients are also surprisingly common in even "natural" toothpastes.

Unless toothpaste is labelled organic or specifically states “No GMOs or Genetically Modified Ingredients,” there is always the possibility that some of the ingredients may be genetically engineered, especially those made with GMO-corn.

A potential carcinogen that’s found even in so-called ‘Natural’ toothpastes

Just because carrageenan comes from a type of naturally grown seaweed, don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s a healthful food. It may not be.

Carrageenan is a refined white powder added to many products and foods, even organic ones, as a thickener to improve texture and mouth feel.

Manufacturers began adding it to food and beverages in the 1930s and now it is found in yogurt, ice cream, almond milk, infant formulas, deli meats, certain medicines, and personal care products like laxatives, lubricants, and toothpaste.

For years, scientists have warned that carrageenan is not safe to use in foods. Animal studies show it causes gastrointestinal inflammation and higher rates of intestinal lesions, ulcerations, and even malignant tumours.

OUT with carrageenan IN with oral health-promoting botanicals – Introducing refreshing mint toothpaste with Tulsi

Dr Mercola knew they could come up with a toothpaste that was even better than the original – one that would give you refreshingly clean teeth and breath, provide whiteness, and effectively fight and prevent caries (all types of tooth decay) without carrageenan.

Just because many "natural" toothpastes contain carrageenan, SLS, and other potentially harmful ingredients, this one didn’t need to.

Dr Mercola carefully scrutinised the source and quality of every ingredient to meet their exacting standards:

  • Must use organic ingredients whenever available
  • No fluoride, but would still provide protection against dental caries
  • No genetically engineered ingredients
  • No carrageenan or other potentially carcinogenic ingredients
  • No synthetic preservatives, but would still have a long shelf life
  • No hidden heavy metals, contaminants or impurities
  • No harsh chemical foaming agents like SLS or SLES
  • No artificial flavors or sweeteners, but would taste good
  • No harsh sand (silica), but would still provide whiteness
  • No potentially dangerous antimicrobial like Triclosan

Sounds like a tall order, doesn’t it? That’s why it took them as long as it did to formulate  Refreshing Mint Toothpaste With Tulsi

The secret ingredient for a sparkling smile – and healthy gums

Instead of using potentially dangerous ingredients, Dr Mercola turned to botanicals to provide cleaning of teeth and gums and whiteness.

One in particular, Holy Basil, or Tulsi, has held their attention for many years as an outstanding overall tonic for health. Dr Mercola believe it’s one of the finest medicinal herbs ever discovered.

Evidently, people in India agree. As part of an ancient custom, family members worship the plant and illuminate it with lamps twice a day.

To this day, Holy Basil plays an essential role in worship ceremonies. People believe it protects them from evil and brings good luck.

As for oral care, Tulsi is an exceptional mouth freshener and cleanser, and helps support a beneficial balance of healthy mouth flora. It also helps prevent dental caries while it soothes your mouth.

While Refreshing Mint Toothpaste With Tulsi contains several excellent plant extracts for cleaning teeth and gums, fighting caries, and freshening breath, in my opinion, Tulsi is the crowning glory.

Suggested Use

Brush teeth thoroughly after meals or at least twice a day. Supervise children until good brushing habits are established. For best results, squeeze tube from the bottom and flatten as you move up the tube. Recommended for ages 4 and up.