Scarlet Records 2013 - As its title suggests, ‘Resurrection’ marks the return of seminal heavy metal band Death SS and its charismatic leader Steve Sylvester. The band’s latest album, ‘The Seventh Seal’, came out to critical acclaim some 7 years ago in 2006.


‘Resurrection’ alternates the two topics that have always been the main inspirations behind the Death SS project: horror movies and occultism. But for the first time ever, Steve wanted to add another one of his main influences in a more explicit way: the Italian sexy-horror comics of the Seventies!


The beautiful illustrations used for the album cover and booklet were handled by the great "maestro" Emanuele Taglietti, an internationally renowned painter and author of all the covers of cult adult comics such as ‘Belzeba’, ‘Zora’, ‘Sukia’, ‘Cimiteria’, ‘La Poliziotta’ to name a few.


A big change happened also on the production front. For the first time after the release of ‘Black Mass’ in 1989, Steve produced the album himself without the supervision of a well known, external producer, simply relying on the experience he has matured in almost 35 years of career in the music business. These 12 new songs represent one of the finest bands in heavy metal still on top of its game.


For Fans of Paul Chain, Black Oath, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Venom, Celtic Frost




 1. Revived

 2. The Crimson Shrine

 3. The Darkest Night

 4. Dionysus

 5. Eaters

 6. Star In Sight

 7. Ogre’s Lullaby

 8. Santa Muerte

 9. The Devil’s Graal

 10. The Song Of Adoration

 11. Precognition

 12. Bad Luck


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