Linda Ronstadt Rockard

Every year or so come across a box of Rockards buried in the back of a closet.  Back in 1978 some friends got together and decided to have fun and put out some caricatures and biographies of the Rock Performers of the time.  They  are  5 x 8 inch cards, mostly full color and were released sporadically over the next 3 years.  Getting some acclaim , notoriety & a distribution contract they prepared to conquer the world, however a fire in the building they were stored destroyed almost all the cards.   Only six sets of the original cards are known to exist.  A few years ago some limited reprints were made, giving people a chance to complete their collection or just pick up a few of their favorites.  Here is a chance a get all 52 cards,  23% are original cards, 35 years or older.  These sets are very limited.  Also selling individual cards and band groupings.  Thanks for your interest