A simple, light weight high polished gray Titanium band with 2 center blue anodized grooves.  This band is perfect as a wedding band or a fun fashion ring!

The band measures approximately 8mm wide and 2.4mm thick all the way around.  This band also has an inside comfort fit, weighs approximately 4.6 grams and is a finger size 12.5.

If you have any questions please message us and we will get back to you ASAP.

Once payment has been received, item will ship within 1 business days.

DISCLAIMER: Because the length of time and severity of use are unknown, estate item(s) are sold AS IS.  Each piece we sell has been checked over and verified there are no loose stones and the item is in 'good' condition.  If you are considering any estate item for everyday use, we would recommend taking the item to your local jeweler and getting a thorough examination.