Pegada Drum Method is a series of 4 books (Fundamentals to Intermediate, Mid Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced) that include almost everything the author Claudio Reis has learned in over 30 years of drumming and has been teaching for over 25 years as a drum teacher in Sao Paulo (Brazil) for 11 years and Sydney (Australia) for 15 years.

The content was carefully organised to improve students' and teachers' experience during lessons and home practice.

It's the end of beginners frustrations. It's the end of dealing with multiple books or having to handwrite exercises for your students.

Study case: Claudio has been using Pegada Drum Method with two fast learning students since 2012 - and neither of them is too close to finishing the course. This shows that the content of Pegada Drum Method can keep your beginner students learning from you for more than 7 years.

This is the printed version of the Fundamentals to Intermediate book.
A PDF file is available on the website for $5.

Only a few copies of the books are available at the moment because they are printed and bound at Claudio's drum studio in Sydney Australia; and posted by himself.