For easier key selection and purchase check my listing 275479075043

Selling SINGLE keyboard keys with BUTTERFLY mechanism for Apple MacBook retina 12'' models (2015 and 2016 models). Keys come from almost new MacBooks so the keys are in mint condition. Let me know which key you need when buying. Keys covered with red are sold, buy only if the key that you need is visible in picture. I have more than one keyboard for parts, if you need two or more similar key, contact me to find out if it is available.


Price is showed for a SINGLE key with mechanism. If you buy more than one key, shipping must be paid only once. Discounts apply if you buy more than one! If you also need the rubber cap under the key, let me know.


If you have any questions or if you want to buy more than one key, just send me a message. Make sure you know how to install the key and mechanism as they are very fragile and may be damaged if installed wrong.


See my other listings for more parts from this and other Apple products.