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Genuine Paper of Armenia natural deodorant, triple notebook
“Born over 120 years ago, the famous Papier d'Arménie notebook contains detachable strips of fragrant brown paper. Its artisanal production is based strictly on the original methods and still takes place in the Montrouge workshop.
The unique smell of small brown paper owes all its merit to Benzoin resin. Auguste Ponsot discovers the disinfectant virtues of this resin during a trip to Armenia. He decides to import the benefits into France. Renowned since Antiquity for its antiseptic, healing and expectorant properties, benzoin balm was once used externally to treat asthma, coughs and hoarseness. "
Usage tips :
Detach a strip, fold it into an accordion shape, place it in the Papier d'Arménie burner, light it by blowing lightly to avoid igniting it because it must be consumed slowly. 

Genuine Paper of Armenia natural deodorant, triple notebook “Born over 120 years ago, the famous Papier d'Arménie notebook contains detachable strips of fragrant brown paper. Its artisanal production is based strictly on the original methods and still takes place in the Montrouge workshop. The unique smell of small brown paper owes all its merit to Benzoin resin. Auguste Ponsot discovers the disinfectant virtues of this resin during a trip to Armenia. He decides to import the benefits into France. Renowned since Antiquity for its antiseptic, healing and expectorant properties, benzoin balm was once used externally to treat asthma, coughs and hoarseness. " Detach a strip, fold it into an accordion shape, place it in the Papier d'Arménie burner, light it by blowing lightly to avoid igniting