Republic of China (ROC) Post Ordinary (Definitive) Stamps 中华民国普通,储金邮票,印花税票

RO China Ord.53 2nd Shanghai Da Dong Print Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Issue in Gold Yuan 普53 上海大东二版孙中山像金圆邮票

Serial No.: Ord.53 Sc#897-908;  Years: 1949 

RO China Ord.60 Chongqing Hua Nan Print Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Basic Postage Stamps 普60 重庆华南版孙中山像基数邮票

Serial No.: Ord.60 Sc#973-981;  Years: 1949 

RO China Zh.Chu.3 Save the National Reserve Stamp 民专储3 节约建国储金邮票

Serial No.: Zh.Chu.3 Sc#?;  Years: 

RO China Tax.1 Revenue Stamp - Front Door Map 印花税票 -前门图

Serial No.: Tax.1 Sc# N/A;  Years:

RO China Tax.2 Revenue Stamp - Ship Version 印花税票 -轮船版

Serial No.: Tax.2 Sc# N//a;  Years: (stamps) 1946-1947 / (receipt) 1948

Sell in this package and Stamp Grades --

Ord.53: 63 mint and 3 used of (12-2), (12-3), (12-4), (12-6), (12-7), (12-9), (12-10), (12-11)  (12-12); 

Ord.60:  6 mint and 1 used of (9-2), (9-3), (9-4); Zh.Ch.3 One set of 6 mint plus 6 mint of (6-1), (6-2), (6-3), (6-4), (6-5); 

Tax.1: set of 2 mint; 

Tax.2: 28 mint and 32 Used Revenue Stamps on a Real Business Receipt from 1948, 50 included are on a complete sheet, 30 are hand-canceled, and 28 mint; 60 stamps in total. Detail10000 Yuan 元: 1 used; 50000 yuan : 1 used; 100000 yuan 元: 30 used and 28 mint.

Postal China Chinese stamps from Qing Dynasty 清朝邮票, The Qing Dynasty Stamps of My Lists:

Ord. 2.2 小龙光齿: (3-2) (Sc14); Ord. 12 日本版蟠龙 (前半套): (12-1) to (12-6) (Sc86-91); Ord. 14 伦敦版蟠龙: (20-1) to (20-3), (20-5), (20-12) (Sc110 to 112, 114, 116); 欠资2;

Special Areas, included Commercial Ports Postal stamps 商埠, Foreign Postal stamps in China 外国在华邮局 Postal stamps during ROC (Republic of China) from 1912 to1949

Commercial Ports Postal stamps 商埠, Foreign Postal stamps in China 外国在华邮局 Postal stamps of My Lists:

Han.2 汉口2: (5-1) (Sc194); CH.2 烟台2: (5-1) to (5-5) (Sc239 to 243); KEW.1 九江1: (10-5), (10-7), (10-10)  (Sc318, 320, 323); AM.1 厦门1: (5-1) (Sc461);

SH.12.1 上海12-1 六版工部小龙 ("文单位"): (6-4) (Sc81); SH.20 上海20 九版工部小龙: (5-5) (Sc119); SH.22 上海22 双龙加盖改作欠资: (14-8) (Sc143);

SH.23 上海23 双龙加盖改值: (3-2) (Sc134); SH.24.3 上海24.3 双龙直剖改值: (3-1) (Sc156); SH.27 上海27 开埠50周年: (1-1) (Sc177);

FR.6 法6: (8-5) (Sc385); FR.7 法7: (8-1), (8-2), (8-5) (Sc395, 396, 399); 

GUANG.2 法广2: (17-3) (Sc856); GUANG.3 法广3: (17-7), (17-8), (17-9) (Sc877, 878, 879); GUANG.4 法广4: (21-1), (21-2) (Sc888, 889); GUANG.6 法广6: (21-1), (21-2) (Sc933, 934); 

MONG.4 安蒙4: (17-4), (17-9), (17-10) (Sc?); 

YUN.3 安云3: (17-3) (Sc506); YUN.4 安云4: (17-5), (17-12), (17-13), (17-15) (Sc525, 532, 533, 535); YUN.5 安云4: (17-7), (17-8), (17-12), (17-13) (Sc692, 693, 687, 698); 

CHUNG.3 安重3: (17-4) (Sc806); CHUNG.4 安重4: (17-2, (17-5) (Sc821, 824); Pack.3 安北3: (17-1) (Sc736); HOI.4 安海4: (17-3) (Sc588); 

I have almost all but only one each for most in my stamps collection, some were sold out already and I will list them gradually (it takes time for many real photo pictures) on this website.

All genuine stamps of Mint, CTO (Canceled-to-Order), used, FDC (First Day Cover), special stamps, Souvenir Sheet (S.S., S/S), year stamp album, stamp booklet and more.

Note: The China, USA, Soviet Union and other worldwide Stamps I list gradually in this website store are my personal collection for more than 50 years. All photo pictures are unique from the real stamps, NOT  a sample photo or copies from other sources and I sell it AS IT. Please check the photos and read the Descriptions in section "Sell in this package and Stamp Grades" careful before buying. Most stamps in my collection have only one set or only one piece. They are guaranteed the Genuine in my knowledge from stamp collection of 50+ years. I do NOT accept return because there is no way to identify the returned just as my items.