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Ron White is the USA Memory Champion. There is no one in the country that has more credibility than him in regards to memory. He holds the record for most numbers memorized in 5 minutes (167 consecutive digits) and the fastest to memorize a deck of cards (1 minute 27 seconds). This program, Memory in a Month will guide you through his memory process and catapult your memory skills! You will learn to recall names, numbers, playing cards, foreign languages, chapters of books, poems, scripture, technical data, information from seminars and much more! In only 10 minutes a day for 30 consecutive days you can transform your mind from forgetful to unbelievable! You will learn how to use this system to train your mind to access and retrieve information just like your computer or file cabinets. This is the most powerful memory training program EVER CREATED! You will triple your memory and triple your grades, income and confidence! 

30 DAYS - 10 Minutes a day to a POWERFUL memory!! 
Day 1 - History of memory training 
Day 2 - Basic Association definition and uses 
Day 3 - Chain of Association definition and uses 
Day 4 - Introduction to the Roman 'Loci' method 
Day 5 - Create mental file cabinets to store data 
Day 6 - Apply memory techniques to foreign languages 
Day 7 - Learn to use 'Loci' to recall information from books 
Day 8 - Retain abstract data such as math formulas 
Day 9 - Create 20 files to use for storing 20 random items 
Day 10 - Memorize a 20 line poem forwards and backwards 
Day 11 - Learn to give presentations without notes 
Day 12 - Learn to recall abstract data 
Day 13 - Practice giving speeches without notes
Day 14 - More practice with learning foreign languages 
Day 15 - Introduction to advanced memory training 
Day 16 - Learn to hear a 20 digit number once and retain it 
Day 17 - More practice recalling numbers 
Day 18 - Learn to recall names and faces
Day 19 - Learn to recall names and faces continued 
Day 20 - Learn to recall names and faces continued 
Day 21 - Learn to recall names and faces continued 
Day 22 - Learn to recall dates and appointments
 Day 23 - Use mental memory graph to remember maps or locations
 Day 24 - Fun Memory Games 
Day 25 - Use your files to recall 20 random words heard once 
Day 26 - Recall directions, more training on numbers and names 
Day 27 - Build and review your 65 mental files 
Day 28 - Create 26 new files to store data 
Day 29 - Memorize the preamble to the Constitution 
Day 30 - Summarize the memory system and prepare for the future with your new techniques!

Ron White is without question the nation's #1 Memory Expert and is one of the tops in the world. He competed in the 2009 USA Memory Championship and brought home the gold medal. He competed against 51 other mental athletes and was the last man standing. In the process of winning the tournament Ron set two new national records. He memorized a 167 digit number in 5 minutes and a deck of shuffled cards in only 1 minute and 27 seconds. Both are new national records and Ron is the only person to hold 2 national memory records in the United States. Ron has given his talk all over the world in countries including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Belgium and even Nebraska. He has appeared on Good Morning America, the CBS Evening news with Katie Couric, the nationally televised CBS Early Show, FOX, NBC and newspapers across the country from the New York post to the Dallas Morning News. He has been the guest on over 200 radio programs and is the author of over a dozen CD albums and books. In every talk Ron shares that he is no different from anyone and everyone can learn how to improve their memory.

Audio Book on 6 CDs