Manufactured for Private Label
Made in USA

1 Bottle 60 Capsules

Klamath Blue Green Algae is Nutritionally Balanced by Nature

Blue Green Algae is One of the Most Nutrient Dense Foods on the Planet. This Nutrition Packed Concentrated Food is a Fast, Efficient and Energizing Way to Improve Your Health. Klamath Blue Green Algae is in the class cyano-bacteria. For thousands of years algae has been a staple food in the diets of people worldwide from the Americas to Asia. History has shown some cultures relied on algae to supply up to 25% of their total diets. Even today, edible blue green alga are used worldwide as a nutrient-dense food. Certified Organic Algae from Pristine Upper Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon, USA Klamath Blue Green Algae is a wild, fresh water algae growing in natural pristine abundance in Upper Klamath Lake.

Organic Algae from Pristine Upper Klamath Lake 

Upper Klamath Lake located 4,100 feet above sea level, is far from any large cities that could cause pollutants to enter the water. The lake is surrounded by the Cascade Mountains. Much of the water that empties into Upper Klamath Lake comes from 6,176 foot high, and 1936 foot deep Crater Lake, a pristine self contained lake formed during a volcanic eruption. This lake is fed by abundant snow fall, which flows down to Klamath Lake. This algae, unlike cultivated algae, is a naturally occurring perennial. Its survival depends on the heartiest strain reproducing itself. It has the uncanny ability to communicate environmental and other conditions to each strand in the bloom.

Stem Cell (Blue Green Algae) is natural Immune Booster

Due to their high anti-viral properties and powerful anti-oxidants, blue green algae  combat HIV by inactivating it plus  other viral infections. In particular is  calcium-spirulan which is obtained  from Spirulina. This extract has been shown to hinder growth of cells such as in herpes, hence strengthens immune system. Additionally ,it helps in cell regeneration as well as repair of damaged tissues. The  blue green algae Spirulina contain various nutrients such as proteins,carbohydrates,amino acids ,low calories and little or no fat. It also contains minerals such as calcium,potassium,iron,zinc and phosphorous. Vitamins in blue green algae include Vitamins A,B,C and E.

Blue Green Algae has Weight Loss & PMS benefits

The Gamma linolenic acid(GLA) in Spirulina is an essential fatty acid which not only promotes joints and heart health, but also aid in weight loss. Spirulina assists in keeping blood sugars at acceptable levels and lowers craving for food. It has also been found to be effective  in relieving you from Premenstrual Syndrome. One of the Blue green blue algae,Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) , helps fights inflammation owing to a compound known as phycocyanin,a natural COX-2 inhibitor .This compound relieves pain caused by inflammation without any side effects. It is rich in plant based omega-3 fatty acid Alpha Linolenic acid(ALA) which hinder development of inflammatory prostaglandins.

Blue Green Algae is Energy Powerhouse

Owing to its various nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids ,blue green algae supplies the body with incredible amount of energy. During strenuous exercise by athletes,iron deficit may result. To restore the iron, Spirulina rids them of the symptoms of the deficiency-muscle fatigue and exhaustion. Spirulina enhances the physical ability of the body during such exercises. Chlorella  another form of  blue green algae detoxifies the body of heavy metals like mercury thanks to its cell membrane. Spirulina on the other hand hastens detoxification in particular to people who are  fasting .It’s  phytonutrients can aid in cleansing the body.

Blue Green Algae is natural Antioxidant 

There are many benefits of this organic algae. Because it is very high in nutrients, it is a very powerful energy booster. It offers anti-aging and positive effects for both the hair and the skin. It contains a high concentration of powerful antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system. It is able to stimulate stem cell movement to aid in the regeneration of body tissues that have been damaged. Blue-green algae is readily absorbed into the body, with about 97% easily absorbed into the system. It has a soothing effect on headaches and body pain. Many people find that digestive problems they may have are greatly improved with the consumption of blue green algae. 

Stem Cell (Blue Green Algae) is superfood 

Spirulina (Blue Green Algae) is a single cell, microscopic blue green algae that is one of the earliest forms of life on the planet, according to the Spirulina World website. Spirulina is considered a "superfood" due to its vast array of nutrients, including protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins B, C, E and chlorophyll. Blue green algae is sort of a general term for the group of organisms that includes several varieties including Spirulina. Blue green algae has more than 64 vitamins and minerals. A few include vitamins A, C, E, B12 and B6 as well as calcium and magnesium. The organism is also rich in antioxidants, which are vital in protecting from cell damage.  

Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings per container: 60 Capsules
Organic Blue Green Algae 500 mg

SUGGESTED USE: As a dietary supplement, adults take one (1) capsule with each meal, or as directed by a health care professional. 

CAUTION: Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18 and individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.