Yesterday's Muse, Inc. presents ...
The Duel for France, 1944
Author:Blumenson, Martin
Publisher:Houghton Mifflin Company / The Riverside Press
Release Date:1963
Seller Category:--
Qty Available:1
Condition:Used: Very Good
Sku: 2300268
Notes: First edition. Lacks jacket. 1963 Hard Cover. xii, [2], 432 pp. Black-and-white photographs and maps. "For the Allies, D-Day was only the beginning. Having succeeded in that epic venture, they faced the prospect of moving beyond the beaches of France. For the Germans who had failed to halt the Allies at the water's edge, the question was how to stop the enemy from further advance before it was too late. Martin Blumenson never forgets that the Allies' spectacular dash from their Normandy beachhead to the German border in the summer of 1944 was accomplished by men of flesh and blood—and led by officers with human doubts, limitations, and determination. He shows us how war is conducted, makes us share the pressures and responsibilities of the commanders, and unforgettably opens us to the hopes and fears of the men who constantly faced the imminence of death. Here are the familiar figures, but revealed in new perspective—Eisenhower, Montgomery, Bradley, Patton, Rommel. This is a masterly and dramatic military narrative in the great tradition—and a moving human record of a turning point in history.
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