Physical 3D puzzle of the Saturn V rocket of the Apollo program of NASA – moon landing

In spaceflight a carrier rocket is a rocket used to carry a payload from the Earth's surface into outer space. The Saturn V remains the tallest, heaviest, and most powerful rocket ever brought to operational status. NASA launched 13 Saturn Vs from 1967 to 1973 and kept good emission record. The Saturn V took off carrying the Apollo program. On July 16th, 1969, the Saturn V took off carrying the Apollo 11 which realized Artifical Intelligence program of landing the moon in human history.

Physical 3D puzzle of the Lunar landing module of the Apollo program of NASA – moon landing

The Lunar Module was developed and built for the US Apollo Space Program. Ten lunar modules were launched into space. Of these, six successfully landed humans on the moon between 1969 and 1972. The Lunar Module is designed to carry a crew of two from lunar orbit to the moon's surface and back again.

Physical 3D puzzle of the NASA Space Shuttle

The Space Shuttle is a reusable spacecraft that looks like an airplane. At launch, it is carried by a rocket. When re-entering the Earth's atmosphere, the wings serve both to brake the spacecraft in free fall and to provide lift and stability during landing.

Physical 3D puzzle of the International Space Station ISS

The International Space Station (ISS) is a space station in low Earth orbit. It's first component was launched into orbit in 1998, with the first long-term residents arriving in 2000. It has been inhabited continuously since that date. The ISS is the largest human-made body in low Earth orbit and can often be seen with the naked eye from Earth. Components have been launched by Russian Proton and Soyuz rockets and American Space Shuttles.

Physical 3D puzzle of a globe of the Earth

A globe is a spherical, physically three-dimensional representation of the earth. Like maps, globes serve different purposes, but the representation on globes is not distorted as on two-dimensional maps, so that the relative distances can be represented exactly in scale. A globe of the earth can represent land and water masses. It can also map national borders, large cities, longitudes, latitudes and much more.

Physical 3D puzzle of the planets of our solar system

Our solar system consists of a star we call the Sun andthe planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. It was formed 4.6 billion years ago – as far as we know right now. All eight planets have approximate circular orbits around the sun. The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, are primarily composed of rock and metal. The two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, are gas giants, and the two outermost planets, Uranus and Neptune, are ice giants.

Physical 3D puzzle of the NASA Mars rover Curiosity

Curiosity is a car-sized rover designed to explore the crater Gale on Mars. Curiosity was launched from Cape Canaveral on November 26, 2011, and landed inside the Gale crater on Mars on August 6, 2012. The rover's goals include an investigation of the Martian climate and geology in preparation for human exploration.

Physical 3D puzzle of the NASA space probe Voyager

The roots of the Voyager program go back to the mid-1960s. There were calculations of trajectories for probes that were to exploit the favourable positions of the outer planets in the late 1970s. It was decided to build Voyager 1 and 2 in the early 1970s.

The mission of Voyager 1, like that of Voyager 2, is considered one of the greatest successes of NASA and of space travel in general. The probe still regularly sends data to Earth today. In addition, it is the most distant man-made object from Earth and will retain this status for the foreseeable future. At present (4 May 2020), Voyager 1 is approximately 149.07 astronomical units (AU) away from the Sun (about 22.3 billion kilometres). Every year, the distance increases by about 3.6 AU (about 540 million km), which corresponds to a (radial) speed of about 61,000 km/h. Seen from Earth, Voyager 1 is located in the constellation of Serpent Bearers.

Physical 3D puzzle of the giant Magellan telescope

The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is a planned giant telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in the highlands of Chile, which is scheduled for completion in 2029. After completion it will consist of 7 primary mirrors, each with a diameter of 8.4 m. After its precise calibration it will have about ten times the resolution (selectivity) of the Hubble Space Telescope. Its name evokes the "kinship" with the two Magellan telescopes of the Chilean Las Campanas Observatory.

For each of 3D puzzles

Caution, choking hazard
Not suitable for children under 3 years of age
Swallowable small parts
