
Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams, Ginta remains positive despite the slander he receives from others over his dreams. But his wishes are answered, as one day a large door appears in front of Ginta, summoning him to the land of MAR Heaven. In this land, the weapons known as ARMS exist. While initially Ginta greatly enjoyed the discovery of this magical world, he soon learns of the terrible wars that have once plagued MAR Heaven and the upcoming war that may soon appear.

DVD Details

Disc Quantity :

5 Discs

Episodes :

1-102 Episodes 

Version@Language :

Japanese / Mandarin

Subtitles :

English / Chinese 

Format & Region :

DVD9 / NTSC & All region code ( 16:9 )

Duration :

Approx. 2550 Minutes 

Genres :

Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen

Shipping & Handling Details

  • Shipment open to Worldwide. Free shipment to all COUNTRY!!
  • The product is well packed using bubble padded envelope/boxes to protect product from damages
  • The product will be shipped using Express Mail with Traceable Postage. Tracking code will be provided to customers.
  • Shipment notification will be given to the customer once the product is ready to ship.

For Worldwide International Shipment, please allow 5 - 14 days for your item to arrive.

Replacement Policy

  • We are 100% committed to ensuring our customers are satisfied with their purchase. Any product found to be faulty, We will issue new replacement discs.
  • Products are FULLY INSURED (Any product lost in shipment will be replace with a new set or fully refund)

Contact us for more information.

Customer’s Notes

Please contact us before leaving any bad FEEDBACKS or DISPUTES. We provide after sales service