Horse Owner's Guide to Toxic Plants
                                                                    Sandra McQuinn

This is a must-have exclusive reference book for all horse owners.  Keep this book in the medicine cabinet in the barn.  Walk around the pastures with the book in hand, especially in late spring or early summer.  Or, pack it on a trail ride.  It just might save your horse's life

Horsewoman, Sandra McQuinn, has researched and compiled information on more than 100 common but toxic plants that grow in backyard, pastures, and on the range and trail.  Also included is advice from a veterinarian on how to recognize the symptoms of poisoning in your horse and what steps you or your own veterinarian should take if you suspect your horse has eaten a toxic plant.   Horse Owner's Guide to Toxic Plants is a must-have for all horse owners.  No horse owner should be without it, including those who board their horses.

Book:  Paperback
Pages:  231
Pub:  1996,2020
List price:  $12.99
Item# Horse Owner's Guide_Ofc