Anatomy of the Lungs and Heart Set of 3 unframed Art Prints with Chalkboard image background.

Prints title: Anatomy_Lungs_Chk3A123 prints # 1, 2, 3.

* Choose from several image sizes 5x7" ; 8x10", 11x14", 12x18"
(Please note, the images sizes 5x7" and 8x10" will be printed on 8.5x11" paper, image sizes 11x14" and 12x18" will be printed on 13x19" paper.)

* Watermark will not appear on purchased prints

* Printed on medium weight smooth matte photographic paper.

* Prints only, Frames NOT included. (The listing picture showing the prints in frames hanging on the wall is to give an idea of what the prints would look like framed and displayed in a room. Frames and Mats are NOT included.)

* Gnosis Picture Archive retains all reproduction rights and copyrights.

* Sale of prints does not reflect transfer of copyright.

* Please kindly take the time to review and understand our shop shipping and return policies before you make your purchase.

Please click on the ebay store icon to find my other anatomy art related wall decor.