Wurth Metal Polish 75ml Tube

Polishing, cleaning and protecting metal surfaces including stainless steel, chrome, brass and bronze. Industrial use, including injection moulds, the hotel and construction industries, metalworking, stainless steel production etc.

For use on caravans and in the automotive, marine and motorcycle manufacturing industries. General maintenance, hotel and restaurant maintenance, lift maintenance etc. Domestic use.

Part Number 0893121375

Item can be collected in person from Tech 9 Motorsport or shipped via courier.

We can also fit this item in our workshop please contact us for a fitted price.


Any questions do not hesitate to get in contact.
We are a reputable business with over 25 years’ of experience
We strive to get the most out of every vehicle in every aspect and this has led us to multiple podium placements and a customer base that trusts on what we can deliver.