Net Weight: 500g (1.1LB)

Chia Seeds are an excellent source of Fibre and Essential Fatty Acids as well as providing a myriad of Essential Vitamins and Minerals. They are harvested then passed through a special vibration cleaning machine to remove any grit and pollutants from the pure seed.

Domesticated as early as 2,700 BC, this Ancient South American Superfood was a staple of the Mayan, Aztec, Incan and many other indigenous peoples. These crunchy, nutty seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch, with folklore telling of warriors relying on the humble chia seed when preparing to battle - chia is the Ancient Mayan word for strength! Chia Seeds are an excellent source of Fibre and Essential Fatty Acids as well as providing a myriad of Essential Vitamins and Minerals.

What are the Benefits?
Chia Seeds deliver a huge amount of nutrients with very few calories. A Complete Vegan Protein, these humble seeds contain all 9 Essential Amino Acids, more Iron than spinach & more Calcium than milk. Rich in brain boosting B Vitamins, with high amounts of Zinc, Copper and Manganese working together to promote healthy immune function, free radical neutralisation and smooth metabolism. These super-seeds are also a fabulous source of the Essential Fatty Acids Omega 3 & 6.

Quality and Manufacture
Our Organic Chia Seeds are bought at fair trade prices and represent 500 years of selective cultivation from wild chia plants. They are harvested then passed through a special vibration cleaning machine to remove any grit and pollutants from the pure seed. They are then tested for heavy metals and pollutants, with the whole process ensuring our chia seeds are some of the purest on the market.

How do I take it?
Enjoy these nutritional powerhouses in smoothies, yoghurt, sprinkled on top of salads or added to stews and soups to thicken. They also make a super-healthy vegan egg replacement - simply combine 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of water. After 15 minutes you will have a sticky, egg like substance which can be used in pancake mixes. Do not consume more than 15 grams of Chia Seeds a day.