Pokemon - Neo Genesis - COMPLETE Card Set 1-111 + HOLOFOILS - Lugia! See Pics! COMPLETE Holographic, Rare, Uncommon, and Common Cards #1-132 from the 2000 Neo Genesis Unlimited Set release by Wizards of the Coast.  PLEASE NOTE: The overall card condition is "USED" with few cards being moderately played, some cards being lightly played, and some in near mint, or close to neat mint, condition. Although most appear to be in near mint condition, many also appear to show light to more noticeable edge/surface wear due to age, but were preserved in protective casing for the last 20 years. PLEASE NOTE: Typhlosion (17) is in spanish/foreign language, NOT english (but is in great shape). We are not official PSA graders of cards, but understand what you see is what you get and you should use these photos to judge for yourself. If you have further questions or want to know more about the condition of a card, please message us. All cards will be securely packaged and shipped in 1-2 business days with PRIORITY shipping and require signature confirmation of delivery.

Neo Genesis Set List:

1/111 Ampharos Lightning Rare Holo

2/111 Azumarill Water Rare Holo

3/111 Bellossom Grass Rare Holo

4/111 Feraligatr Water Rare Holo

5/111 Feraligatr Water Rare Holo

6/111 Heracross Grass Rare Holo

7/111 Jumpluff Grass Rare Holo

8/111 Kingdra Water Rare Holo

9/111 Lugia Colorless Rare Holo

10/111 Meganium Grass Rare Holo

11/111 Meganium Grass Rare Holo

12/111 Pichu Lightning Rare Holo

13/111 Skarmory Metal Rare Holo

14/111 Slowking Psychic Rare Holo

15/111 Steelix Metal Rare Holo

16/111 Togetic Colorless Rare Holo

17/111 Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo (*This card is in Spanish - please see pictures)

18/111 Typhlosion Fire Rare Holo

19/111 Metal Energy Metal E Rare Holo

20/111 Cleffa Colorless Rare

21/111 Donphan Fighting Rare

22/111 Elekid Lightning Rare

23/111 Magby Fire Rare

24/111 Murkrow Darkness Rare

25/111 Sneasel Darkness Rare

26/111 Aipom Colorless Uncommon

27/111 Ariados Grass Uncommon

28/111 Bayleef Grass Uncommon

29/111 Bayleef Grass Uncommon

30/111 Clefairy Colorless Uncommon

31/111 Croconaw Water Uncommon

32/111 Croconaw Water Uncommon

33/111 Electabuzz Lightning Uncommon

34/111 Flaaffy Lightning Uncommon

35/111 Furret Colorless Uncommon

36/111 Gloom Grass Uncommon

37/111 Granbull Colorless Uncommon

38/111 Lanturn Lightning Uncommon

39/111 Ledian Grass Uncommon

40/111 Magmar Fire Uncommon

41/111 Miltank Colorless Uncommon

42/111 Noctowl Colorless Uncommon

43/111 Phanpy Fighting Uncommon

44/111 Piloswine Water Uncommon

45/111 Quagsire Water Uncommon

46/111 Quilava Fire Uncommon

47/111 Quilava Fire Uncommon

48/111 Seadra Water Uncommon

49/111 Skiploom Grass Uncommon

50/111 Sunflora Grass Uncommon

51/111 Togepi Colorless Uncommon

52/111 Xatu Psychic Uncommon

53/111 Chikorita Grass Common

54/111 Chikorita Grass Common

55/111 Chinchou Lightning Common

56/111 Cyndaquil Fire Common

57/111 Cyndaquil Fire Common

58/111 Girafarig Psychic Common

59/111 Gligar Fighting Common

60/111 Hoothoot Colorless Common

61/111 Hoppip Grass Common

62/111 Horsea Water Common

63/111 Ledyba Grass Common

64/111 Mantine Water Common

65/111 Mareep Lightning Common

66/111 Marill Water Common

67/111 Natu Psychic Common

68/111 Oddish Grass Common

69/111 Onix Fighting Common

70/111 Pikachu Lightning Common

71/111 Sentret Colorless Common

72/111 Shuckle Grass Common

73/111 Slowpoke Psychic Common

74/111 Snubbull Colorless Common

75/111 Spinarak Grass Common

76/111 Stantler Colorless Common

77/111 Sudowoodo Fighting Common

78/111 Sunkern Grass Common

79/111 Swinub Water Common

80/111 Totodile Water Common

81/111 Totodile Water Common

82/111 Wooper Water Common

83/111 Arcade Game T [GC] Rare

84/111 Ecogym T [St] Rare

85/111 Energy Charge T Rare

86/111 Focus Band T [Tool] Rare

87/111 Mary T Rare

88/111 PokéGear T Rare

89/111 Super Energy Retrieval T Rare

90/111 Time Capsule T Rare

91/111 Bill's Teleporter T Uncommon

92/111 Card-Flip Game T [GC] Uncommon

93/111 Gold Berry T [Tool] Uncommon

94/111 Miracle Berry T [Tool] Uncommon

95/111 New Pokédex T Uncommon

96/111 Professor Elm T Uncommon

97/111 Sprout Tower T [St] Uncommon

98/111 Super Scoop Up T Uncommon

99/111 Berry T [Tool] Common

100/111 Double Gust T Common

101/111 Moo-Moo Milk T Common

102/111 Pokémon March T Common

103/111 Super Rod T Common

104/111 Darkness Energy Darkness E Rare

105/111 Recycle Energy Colorless E Rare

106/111 Fighting Energy Fighting E

107/111 Fire Energy Fire E

108/111 Grass Energy Grass E

109/111 Lightning Energy Lightning E

110/111 Psychic Energy Psychic E

111/111 Water Energy Water E