Whole White Peppercorns, Ripened Berries of the Piper Nigrum Plant

White pepper hails from Piper Nigrum, the same plant that black pepper comes from. While white peppercorns are the lesser-known than the , they shouldn't be forgotten, as they present an entirely different flavor profile that is perfect for adding a layer of complexity to soups, stews, sauces, curries, and more. They are also a wonderful stand-in for black pepper when you don't want black pepper flecks to appear in your dish. 

How is white peppercorn different from black peppercorn?

Though white and black peppercorns both come from the same seed of the same plant, they look, taste, and smell different. These differences are present due to the process in which the seeds are harvested and processed. White peppers must be picked at the right stage of ripeness. The pepper berries are then soaked in water for approximately 10 days to ferment before the outer skin is removed. Finally, they are dried. The result is a peppercorn with a less harsh flavor than its black counterpart, with what many might describe as earthy, grassy, or floral notes. Black pepper, on the other hand, is derived from unripened berries of the Piper Nigrum plant, dried, and the skin is left intact, which leads to the more recognizable spicy flavor and aroma.

Buy whole white peppercorns for soups, stews, sauces, and more.

White pepper is often used in lightly-colored sauces when folks want to avoid black pepper specs, yet still want a peppery flavor. In classic cooking, white peppercorns are most common in white mother sauces, chowders, mashed potatoes, fish, and even vegetables.

It is not just used for aesthetic purposes, though. White peppercorns are a wonderful choice for adding a subtle layer of peppery flavor and a unique complexity to dishes. 

Unlike many other spices, white pepper is best used toward the end of the cooking process to finish a dish. Lengthy cooking times can alter the flavor compound and produce a somewhat bitter taste. 

Looking for some great finishing salt to go with your peppercorns? Head on over to our page and get the absolute best finishing salt money can buy.

 *Our high-quality white peppercorns have been certified kosher by a Rabbi at a notable kosher certification agency.