please only order when temps between WV and your location will be above freezing.    if ordered November- April, your plants will be in dormancy and will only be florets that are very close to the ground.  These will come out of dormancy in the spring and quickly get longer spreading stems. 

Please plant immediately upon receipt and DO NOT order in the Winter if you are in a cold climate unless you want to run the risk of your plants dying. 

included in this offer are  bits (stems  and pieces - rootless cuttings - but this is typical) of Sedum Sarmentosum also known as Gold Moss, Stringy Stonecrop. approx 2-3 inch long. they will have no roots... if they get broken up during shipment. please note that most of the bits will grow their own roots - and I sometimes am able to include a few extra:) . they will be pulled from the garden as ordered and may have some soil bits on  them. please only order if you are able to open it up as soon as its shipped. once received, unpack immediately to get it some light. just throw them on top of loose soil and water including all the bits that were shipped regardless of condition they will all perk up. please keep it lightly moist until established. you can throw them in the garden if the weather is mild and water to ensure it is kept lightly moist for first week or so. most will rebound quickly if there aren't already some roots. flowers are yellow in the summer.. Gold Moss (Sedum sarmentosum) (Bunge): One of the most widespread of the Asian stonecrops. Gold Moss spreads and trails quickly on long, thin stems. It has bright green, lanceolate leaves that stand upright. Take care where you plant this rapid grower as it's been known to spread over 3.0' wide.  easily pulls up if it grows to big to suit you.  It blooms in summer with yellow, star-shaped blossoms. Hardy Sedum are easy, frost-hardy plants that thrive outdoors with full sun but can survive in shady areas too. Fall and spring are great time to toss these in the garden. Although i have had great success in warm winters and summers as well

 It is the most unusal plant I have ever grown.  It has very little root; and stems, leaves and pieces will grow - often if simply dropped  on the ground- as has happened many many times in my garden,  It is called stone crop because it has been known to literally often grow on stone.  My gold moss sedum population came from specimens that were growing on a corner of a parking lot that had 1/8-1/4 inch of sediment  over top of blacktop and was thriving.  I gathered it, and put it in a garbage bag, where it stayed for several days - and at least 90 percent of it had no root at all.  I simply lightly watered my soil, roughed it up with a rake, dropped the stems and gently pushed them against the soil, and it grew into a thriving beautiful mat.  When coming out of dormancy in late winter/early spring it is less leggy, so  it is harder to send longer "stems", so I include extra pieces at that time of year as they are smaller this time of year.  Even pieces of stem with no "leaves" will rebound and grow. Color is less vibrant as well in winter/early spring, but is brilliant in full sun in later spring/summer While it may seem fragile in that the pieces may  fall apart in transport or handling, it is the hardiest plant I have ever grown. I have kept mine lightly watered until established, and when established it can handle drought to slightly damp conditions easily.  It is in many places in my garden by accident when I have been thinning it and accidenty drop a stem piece here or there..... that is how easily it grows.  And the foliage to root volume ratio of this plant is usually about 100 to 1-2.  There is very little root, even when well established. 

A truly stunning, very low maintenance plant.  Chartreuse green leaves, that vary somewhat in summer/winter.  Stunning phlox-like display of yellow flowers in spring or summer depending upon locale.  Can grow even over rock  concrete at times if conditions are right .  Trails in pots and over walls.  great for edging and front borders.  I have this edging my driveway and it is just beautiful.  The only care I have to do is pull it back from the conrete when it grows too far over. 

May not bloom first year as it adjusts to new living situation, but sometimes does

evergreen, although not as lush in winter, more sparse and leggy looking in winter.

Ornamental Features

Golden Moss Stonecrop is covered in stunning gold star-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from early to mid summer. Its attractive tiny succulent needle-like leaves remain lime green in color throughout the year. The fruit is not ornamentally significant.

Landscape Attributes

Golden Moss Stonecrop is a dense herbaceous evergreen perennial with a ground-hugging habit of growth. It brings an extremely fine and delicate texture to the garden composition and should be used to full effect.

This plant will require occasional maintenance and upkeep, and is best cleaned up in early spring before it resumes active growth for the season.  Maintenance is very easy.  Usually is just pulling up the very easily removed spread beyond any area you don't want it to be.  Deer don't particularly care for this plant and will usually leave it alone in favor of tastier treats. Gardeners should be aware of the following characteristic(s) that may warrant special consideration;

Golden Moss Stonecrop is recommended for the following landscape applications;

Golden Moss Stonecrop will grow to be only 2 inches tall at maturity extending to 4 inches tall with the flowers, with a spread of 8 inches. When grown in masses or used as a bedding plant, individual plants should be spaced approximately 7 inches apart. Its foliage tends to remain low and dense right to the ground. It grows at a medium rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 10 years.

This plant does best in full sun to partial shade. It prefers dry to average moisture levels with very well-drained soil, and will often die in standing water. It is considered to be drought-tolerant, and thus makes an ideal choice for a low-water garden or xeriscape application. It is not particular as to soil pH, but grows best in poor soils, and is able to handle environmental salt. It is highly tolerant of urban pollution and will even thrive in inner city environments. This is a selected variety of a species not originally from North America. It can be propagated by division.