C729 Adams Westlake oil cook stove trade card cowboy rats in the kitchen

Excellent condition w/ very minor light spot lower left front corner, and on reverse, upper edge.

Adams & Westlake
45 Summer St.
Boston, Mass

Adams & Westlake
7 E. 14th St.
New York, NY

Adams & Westlake
95 Lake St.
Chicago, IL

This scarce card has a few interesting points.

1. Rats in the kitchen? Unlike today, in the 1800’s rats in the house was a common problem. Today we do not even think about it. So it is funny that Westlake chose to use in image the very thing that people were trying to get out of their houses.

2. I do not know why, but given the picks they have, the rats are imaged as miners. Also included are pistols and cowboy hats. Maybe there is no meaning to this aspect of the image, or maybe it is saying that rats will dig anywhere they can to get at your food.

3. Language use:  The word “boss”.

4. Language use: The word “diggins”.

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rat house
kitchen rat
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