Series 1 to 4 Complete on 11 DVDs

This original ITV television series was called DCI Banks when aired in the UK. This production has the original English Soundtrack, although the Cover and menu is in Dutch and there are optional Dutch subtitles. It was released in Holland.

The unmistakably British detective series, DCI Banks, is based on a series of bestsellers by Peter Robinson. As a policeman, Alan Banks (Stephen Tompkinson) waged a major battle against crime in London. But one day he had had enough of all the pressure and went in search of the peace of the countryside. In the pleasant town of Eastvale, in Yorkshire, he found what he was looking for. At least, that's what he thought at first. Because it soon became apparent that even here, there was a lot of work to be done by a DCI (Detective Chief Inspector). Over the course of the series, we see how Banks must solve one complex crime after another with the help of his hard working team led by DI Helen Morton (Caroline Catz) who also has her own personal problems to contend with. In addition, he maintains a close but often difficult on and off personal relationship with colleague Annie Cabbot (Andrea Lowe). Fortunately, Banks is a man who keeps his feet on the ground. Usually at least ...

This collector's box brings together seasons 1 through 4 of DCI Banks for the first time - 20 hours of viewing pleasure.

Based on the best selling DCI BANKS books by Peter Robinson

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Run time / Duración    : 1200 min  - 11 DVD 

Language / Idioma     : English / inglés

Subtitles / 
Subtítulos : Dutch / holandés 

Region / Zona             : 2 (UK & EUROPE / EUROPA & REINO UNIDO)