Ginseng is known as the King of Herbs and has a history of use dating back thousands of years.
In this time it has garnered a reputation of being both extremely powerful and safe.
Ginseng’s Latin name is Panax Ginseng.

The word ‘panax’ roughly translates to ‘panacea’ meaning cure all.

Ginseng provides this ‘cure all effect’ by balancing and regulating countless bodily functions in a way that brings them into greater harmony and function.

In this way Ginseng is more than just something used to cure a specific ailment, instead it is actually a tool of empowerment!

Ginseng can balance numerous bodily systems.
A properly balanced system is able to perform optimally.
Ginseng’s ability to enhance performance isn’t limited to theory, it actually has a very long history of improving performance in countless activities.

Ginseng May Benefit:
Cognitive Function
Optimize the HPA axis (the control panel of the body)
Enhance fertility and virility
Optimize blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids (cholesterol)
Improve digestion
Boost energy
Balance and enhance digestion
Increase drive and motivation
Help balance stress naturally
and much more!