Mouse Jiggler® 

For People Who Want To Get Other Things Completed 

During the 9-5

There's nothing worse than the boss assuming you're slacking off when being away from your work PC. 

Fear no more with the AMAZING Mouse Jiggler® always be online & "available" during those quiet gaps in your work day.

When you need to attend to other important matters, simply plug in and walk away.

✔︎ Appear online even when you're away

✔︎ Finish small jobs, take a nap, go for a walk

✔︎ Get your work done and then everything else around the house

✔︎ Perfect for lockdown and home schooling

✔︎ Be more productive during the quiet times at work

✔︎ Built to last and not cheap material like other brands. 

✔︎ Work on laptops, tablets and docking stations

Appear Online Even When You're Away


The Mouse Jiggler® is a small USB device which simply prevents your work computer from going to sleep.

✔︎ Simulates your USB Mouse - this is ALL it does.

✔︎ Requires NO software or drivers

✔︎ Safe and undetectable by your IT dept

✔︎ Simply plug and play 

✔︎ Shipped from UK / Free Shipping

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does this interfere with use of the normal mouse when it is active?
A: Not at all. You won't notice any difference with the jiggler except that your laptop/computer will not go into sleep mode or log off! Use your mouse as normal.

Q: Does this usb install any software? Can my employers know I am using it?
A: This device doesn't install any software on your device. The device will appear as a normal HID-compliant mouse and no your employer won’t know. If you are a higher performer worker you have nothing to worry about.

Q: It's just what I am looking for but not sure about putting something directly into a usb port from a cyber security point of view?
A: From the technical point, this jiggler is just a USB mouse. It can only do what a mouse can - move the cursor and nothing more

Q: I do a lot of presentations for work - how often does the device refresh as i need to enter a password after 5 minutes?
A: There is no refresh, the jiggler will keep the laptop unlocked until you lock the screen or remove it from the USB.

Q: My office does not allow data to be sent outward by the usb port except for mice so i’m wondering if they can pick this up?
A: It looks like a mouse to the laptop, so there's no issue with that. I've been using mine for a long time and it's a fantastic product. My company locks down the laptops very tightly, but of course, there's no issue installing a second mouse! ... :-

Q: How long will it take to arrive?
A: For UK deliveries we aim to get your order to you within 2-3 Royal Mail.