CE/FDA Approved fingertip pulse oximeter

OXYGEN SATURATION(Spo2), an important basic data of clinical medicine, is an important indicator of the state of OXYGEN in the body. The normal level of oxygen saturation in the blood(arteries)is not thought to be lower than 90%, and a lower level is considered inadequate. Low oxygen saturation can lead to dizziness, weakness and vomiting In serious cases, it can be life-threatening.

Pulse oximetry may be used to see if there is enough oxygen in the blood. This information is needed in many kinds of situations. It may be used:

During or after surgery or procedures that use sedation
To see how well lung medicines are working
To check a person’s ability to handle increased activity levels
To see if a ventilator is needed to help with breathing, or to see how well it’s working
To check a person has moments when breathing stops during sleep (sleep apnea)
Pulse oximetry is also used to check the health of a person with any condition that affects blood oxygen levels, such as:

Heart attack Heart failure, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Anemia, Lung cancer, Asthma, Pneumonia

Batteries are not included in the box