Brand new Wizkids Pirates cards from the Barbary Coast Unlimited Set. All cards are unpunched. Cards from other sets are available in additional listings. Please message if you have any questions. Card descriptions below.

Nubian Prince UL001 Rare

              Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within “S” of her.”


Ivory Star UL002 Rare

              Galley.” Red-Range cannons cannot hit this ship.”


Jackal’s Teeth UL003 Rare

              Galley. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.”


Terror of Gibraltar UL004 Rare

              “Galley. Pirate crew may use their abilities on this ship.”


Crescent Moon UL005 Rare

              Galley. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.”


Janissaries’ Blood UL006 Rare

              “Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.”


Fire Djinn UL007 Rare

Galley. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without have to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.”


Tripoli UL032 Rare

              Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within “S” of her.”


Viper’s Bite UL033 Rare

              Galley. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.”


Whisper UL034 Rare

              Galley. When this ship carries no cargo, she gets +S to her base move.”


Majestic UL035 Rare

              Galley. Friendly ships within S of this ship get +1 to their cannon rolls.”


Carthage UL036 Rare

              Galley. This ship may not be shot at while docked.”


Nimcha UL037 Rare

              Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.”


Tunis UL038 Rare

              Galley. This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.”


Aruj Barbarossa UL039 Rare

“This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture the crew with the highest point cost instead of eliminating it. This captured crew becomes cargo worth its point cost in gold when unloaded at your home island.”


Wesley UL040 Rare

“This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.”


Firepot Specialist (Barbary Corsair) UL047 Uncommon



Alexandria UL048 Rare

              Galley. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against Barbary Corsair ships.”


HMS Durham UL049 Uncommon

              Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.”


HMS Lord Kenyon UL053 Uncommon

              “Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate one of this ship’s masts.”


St. George UL054 Rare

              Galley. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.”


Admiral Robert Blake UL055 Rare

              “This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Barbary Corsair ships. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.”


Lawrence UL056 Rare

              “Once per turn, one crew or ship within “S” of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.”


Firepot Specialist (England) UL060 Uncommon


La Espada De Dios UL061 Rare

Galley. This ship may dock at an enemy home island and load one treasure. If able, she must leave on your next turn.”


Granada UL062 Uncommon

              Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls and boarding rolls against Barbary Corsair ships.”


El Toro UL066 Uncommon

              “This ship’s cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.”


Alonso de Orozco UL067 Rare

              Galley. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.”


Dominick Freda UL069 Rare

              “This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Barbary Corsair ships. Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.”


Firepot Specialist UL073 Uncommon


St. Denis UL074 Rare

Galley. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.”


L’Ange de la Mer UL075 Uncommon

              Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.”


La Republique UL079 Uncommon

“This ship cannot sink, but she can be scuttled.”


St. Joan UL080 Rare

              Galley. Red-range cannons cannot hit this ship.”


Robert Surcouf UL081 Rare

“This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.”


Jordan Dumas UL082 Rare

              “This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.”


Firepot Specialist UL086 Uncommon


President UL087 Uncommon

Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.”


Intrepid UL088 Uncommon

              Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.”


Delaware UL092 Uncommon

              “This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.”


Niagara UL093 Uncommon

              “This ship cannons may not be eliminated (masts still may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.”


Commander Steven Decatur UL094 Rare

              “This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks. Once per turn, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given an extra action.”


William Eaton UL095 Rare

              Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against Barbary Corsair ships and crew.”


Firepot Specialist (America) UL099 Uncommon


Spices UL100 Rare

              “Double the value of one non-unique treasure on this ship when unloaded at your home island or fort, and then remove Spices from the game.”


Maps of Alexandria UL101 Rare

              “When revealed, turn all treasure on all wild islands face up for the remainder of the game. Remove Maps of Alexandria from the game.”


Relics (Unique Treasure) UL102 Rare

              “If one of this ship’s masts or crew would be eliminated by a ship, you may give Relics to the attacker instead ending that ship’s turn.”


Wolves (Unique Treasure) UL103 Rare

“No treasure may be loaded from this wild island until Wolves is eliminated. Wolves is eliminated if successfully hit once by either a Musketeer or a crew with the Marine keyword.”


Wine (Unique Treasure) UL104 Rare

              “This ship may dock at an opponent’s home island or fort; while there, you may exchange Wine for one treasure there of your choosing.”


Rats (Unique Treasure) UL105 Rare

“Each non-unique treasure on this ship is worth 1 fewer gold when unloaded. Rats cannot be unloaded.”


Knights of Malta Banner (Unique Treasure) UL106 Rare

“If loaded by a Barbary Corsair ship, Knights of Malta Banner is worth 5 gold when unloaded at your home island. If loaded by another nation’s ship, it is worth 1 gold for every mast that ship eliminates while Knights of Malta Banner is aboard.”


Barbary Banner (Unique Treasure) UL107 Rare

              “If loaded by a Barbary Corsair ship, Barbary Banner is worth 1 gold for every mast that ship eliminates while”


Wet Gunpowder (Unique Treasure) UL108 Rare

              “This ship cannot be given shoot actions. Wet Gunpowder cannot be unloaded from this ship, but you may give”


Poseidon’s Breath (Unique Treasure) UL109 Rare

“Load this treasure face down. When this ship is given a move action, you may reveal Poseidon’s Breath: This ship may move her base move as many times as she has masts; no other special abilities may affect her movement. When the movement action ends, eliminate one of this ship’s masts, and then remove Poseidon’s Breath from the game.”




Black Lotus UL133 Super-Rare

              Junk. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.”

Tiger’s Breath UL134 Super-Rare

              Junk. This ship may dock and explore a wild island using the same move action.”

Zheng LI Kwan UL135 Super-Rare

              “After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island This ship must load the traded treasure.”

Captain (Jade Rebelion) UL136 Super-Rare

              “This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.”