Product details of PassionMAX Herbal Supplement for Men

What is PassionMax?

PassionMax is a Herbal Dietary Supplement for Men

PassionMax is made in the USA

Is it FDA Approved?

YES. PassionMax is FDA approved and has a Certificate of Product Registration (CPR).

Where is it made?

PassionMax is made in the USA

Is it safe for people with heart problems, diabetics, high blood pressure?

As to any other dietary supplements, please consult with your doctor if you have medical conditions and use it with precaution.

Discontinue use if adverse reactions occur.

When do you consume it & when will you feel the effect?

Take 1 capsule at least 1 hour before the sexual activity. It is advisable to drink plenty of water while using this product.

One (1) capsule of PassionMax within 3 days.

Is it needed to be consumed on an empty stomach?

PassionMax will work with an empty stomach or not.

There has not been a single report of users experiencing palpitations.

Blushing or feeling of sudden heat sensation can be experienced which is a normal effect if you consume male enhancement products because it opens up your veins to allow blood flow to the male sexual organ.

Will I experience headache?

There are some who had experience of blushing and sudden heat sensation which is a normal effect when taking male enhancement products as the veins open up to allow blood flow to the male sexual organ.

How long does the male enhancement feeling last?

Two days at an average but again, results may vary depending on the individual’s health and tolerance issues.

Can I consume it daily?

NO. Wait for at least 72 hours (3 days) for the next dose

This is not a maintenance product, use only as needed.

Not intended for long-term use.

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