Brand new Wizkids Pirates cards from the Davy Jones Curse Set. All cards are unpunched (except for a few special ships that were assembled by manufacturer and shown in picture - these will be shipped unassembled). Cards from other sets are available in additional listings. Please message if you have any questions. Card descriptions below.

Jormungandr #008 Rare

Sea Monster. If this sea monster succeeds at a boarding party, it also eliminates one mast.”


Tsuro #009 Rare

Sea Monster. Give this sea monster a move action but do not move it. Instead, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, move an enemy ship L in any direction.”


Executioner #010 Uncommon

Fear. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.”


Hellfire 011 Uncommon

“This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Cursed ship.”


Whydah #012 Uncommon

Schooner. If this ship has a Captain crew, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls.”


Dark Pact #013 Uncommon

Schooner. This ship’s crew cannot be eliminated unless she sinks.”


Sea Monkey 014 Uncommon

“After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.”


Spilled Salt #015 Uncommon

Fear. This ship gets+1 to her boarding rolls.”


Fallen Angel 022 Rare

“This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.”


El Fantasma #023 Rare

Fear. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Cursed ship.”


Papa Doc #024 Rare

“If an enemy ship is within S of this ship, you can use this ship’s action for the turn to try to possess a target crew on that ship. Roll a d6, on a result of 6, the target is immediately assigned to this ship. Its nationality changes to match the nationality of this ship.”


Davy Jones #025 Rare

Limit. At the beginning of each of your turns, choose any ability possessed by any ship or crew in play; this character has that ability. You may make a different choice each turn.”


Sammy the Skull #026 Rare

”This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls.”


Firepot Specialist (The Cursed) #033 Uncommon

“Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within “S:” of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1-3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.”


Harbinger #034 Rare

“As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.”


Dragon’s Breath #035 Uncommon

“This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-Pirate ship.”


Black Cat #036 Uncommon

“After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.”


Sea Fox #037 Uncommon

“Red-range canons cannot hit this ship.”


Calchas #042 Rare

“This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.”


Bonny Peel #043 Rare

“This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. If this ship wins a boarding party, she may capture the crew with the highest point cost instead of eliminating it. A captured crew becomes cargo worth its point cost in gold when unloaded at your home island.”


Jack Hawkins #044 Rare

“This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.” – Link to Harbinger


Firepot Specialist (Pirate) #048 Uncommon

“Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within “S:” of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1-3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.”


HMS Gargantuan #049 Rare

“After this ship resolves a shoot action, she may move as a free action.”


HMS Bretwalda #050 Uncommon

Broadsides Attack


HMS Caradoc #051 Uncommon

Schooner. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship; you must use the second die roll result.”


HMS Guy Fawkes #052 Uncommon

“This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-English ship.”


HMS Seaham #053 Uncommon

“This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.”


HMS Starbuck #058 Rare

“If this ship shoots at a ship that was previously shot at by another ship this turn, she gets +1 to her cannon rolls against that ship this turn.”


Trevor Van Tyne #059 Rare

“This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls against the Cursed. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.” – Link to HMS Bretwalda


El Cristal Del Obispo #063 Rare

“This ship ignores the first hit she takes each turn as long as she has all of her masts.”


Santo Columba #064 Uncommon

”As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.” – Link to Don Osvaldo Guillen


El Rafael #065 Uncommon

Schooner. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed.”


La Catedral Del Mar #066 Uncommon



Santos Romanos #067 Uncommon

“This ship eliminates two masts with one hit.”


The Inquisitor #073 Rare

“Black Mark. If this ship succeeds at a boarding party, she may eliminate all of the other ship’s crew.”


La Charlemagne #076 Rare

“This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.”


La Corse #077 Uncommon

“Two hits from the same shoot action are required to eliminate on of this ship’s masts.”


Le Bonaparte #078 Uncommon

Schooner. This ship cannot be shot at by ships within S of her.”


L’Eroica #079 Uncommon

“Once per turn, before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.”


Le Republicain #080 Uncommon

“Ramming cannot eliminate this ship’s masts.”


La Versailles #081 Uncommon

“This ship’s cannons may not be eliminated (masts sill may be). If derelict, she cannot shoot.”


Le Rochefort #085 Rare

“Once per turn, this ship may look at one face-down cargo on any ship.”


Mademoiselle Josephine Godiva #086 Rare

Limit. Ransom. Choose one French crew during setup; this crew is linked to that crew. Once per turn, you may reroll any die roll you make for this ship, you must use the second die roll result.”


Firepot Specialist (France) #087 Uncommon

“Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within “S:” of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1-3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.”


Blackwatch #088 Rare

“This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-American ship or fort.”


Pequod #089 Uncommon

“This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. She gets +2 instead if her opponent is a sea monster.”


Paul Revere #090 Uncommon

Schooner. As part of a move action, this ship may initiate a boarding party against a ship up to S away from her, without having to ram. The boarded ship may not use any boarding bonuses.”


Mohican #091 Uncommon

“Crew of any nationality may use their abilities on this ship.”


Dark Fox #092 Uncommon



Hessian #096 Rare

“Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship cannot use its ability that turn.”


Jonas Richman #097 Rare

“This ship may move and shoot using the same move action. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against the Cursed.”


Firepot Specialist (America) #098 Uncommon

“Once per turn when this ship is given a shoot action, one of her cannons may shoot a firepot at a target within “S:” of her. Declare which cannon will shoot the firepot before rolling the d6. If it hits, the target’s controller replaces one of her masts with a fire mast. At the beginning of every turn, roll one d6 for each fire mast. On a result of 6, remove the fire mast; on a 1-3, the ship’s controller replaces another of her masts with a fire mast. When a ship has only fire masts, she must be scuttled on her next turn. When a ship docks at her home island or a fort, remove all of her fire masts as a free action.”


Livestock (Unique Treasure) #099 Rare

“Load this treasure face down. You may reveal it after this ship is rammed by a sea monster, but before any boarding roll is made. When revealed, move the boarding sea monster to the nearest island. Remove Livestock from the game.”


Martyr’s Amulet (Unique Treasure) #100 Rare

“All cannon rolls made by Cursed ships against this ship are reduced by 1.”


Monkey’s Paw (Unique Treasure) #101 Rare

“Once per turn when an enemy ship is given a shoot action to shoot at this ship, her controller chooses one of her cannons within range: That cannon automatically hits.”


Witch’s Brew (Unique Treasure) #102 Rare

“Once per turn instead of giving this ship an action, you may place a fog cloud within L of her.”


Maps of Hades (Unique Treasure) #103 Rare

“Once per turn, before this ship is given an action, roll a d6. On a result of 5 or 6, the opponent to your right may give this ship a move action. If he or she does, this ship may not be given another action that turn.”


Holy Water (Unique Treasure) #104 Rare

“No enemy ability can affect this ship or her crew.”


Sunken Treasure (Unique Treasure) #105 Rare

“When revealed, roll two d6. The total is how much gold Sunken Treasure is worth. At the beginning of each of your turns, reduce that value by 1, until Sunken Treasure is either reduced to 0 gold or is unloaded at your home island. Sunken Treasure takes up two cargo spaces.”


Eye of Insanity (Unique Treasure) #106 Rare

“At the beginning of each of your turns, choose a target crew on this ship. Then choose a Cursed crew in play. The target can use the Cursed crew’s ability that turn instead of its own. You may make a different choice each turn.”


Cursed Conch (Unique Treasure) #107 Rare

“Instead of giving this ship an action on your turn, you may give a sea monster an action, even if it is not part of your fleet.”


Chariot of the Gods (Unique Treasure) #108 Rare

“Place this treasure on the nearest sea monster. It may now be assigned one crew, per the transfer rules.”



The following cards were preassembled by manufacturer but have never been played. The ship came preassembled in a sealed box when I purchased it. The description / information cards for the ship are sealed in their original package. Ship will be taken apart before being shipped. No glue or adhesives have been used on the ship, and the ship is in new condition (but was preassembled). All ship pieces are included though will not be put together when shipped.

Black Diamond #142 Special Promo

 “If this ship wins a boarding party, she may take as much treasure from the other ship as she wants, up to her available cargo space.”


Broken Key #143 Special Promo

 “Broadsides Attack”


HMS Richards #144 Special Promo

“This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against any non-English ship.”


Nightmare #145 Special Promo

 “Ghost Ship”