Horsetail (Lat. Equisetem arvense) in people who used to cure various diseases. Formerly considered one of the strongest preparations against lung disease, especially for tuberculosis and lung cancer. Popular doctors suggest against all forms of insolence because they improve the work of creating red blood cells,

It's great against that in the stomach, the fistula in the colon, the diseases of the urinary organs. Especially it is effective as a diuretic for painful urination, kidney inflammation, kidney bleeding and the initial stage of tuberculosis in this body. It is also used in stomach swelling, while in the form of tea it is also used for arteriosclerosis and gout. In a non-aggressive way it strengthens the heart and regulates the heart rhythm. In addition, this plant improves blood circulation, nourishes the nerves, and helps sleep disorder. If with this tea you rinse your hair, your fall can be prevented