HR Giger Alien Prometheus 

HR GIGER 1967-P-002 Astroeunuchen, 1967
HR Gigers first ever published poster !

Folded poster from Urban Gwerders (t 2017) (back then in the 60's a close friend of HR Giger) Poetenz-Show from 1967.

One side poems and infos on the show, the other side "Astreunuchen"

back side of the fold out poster:
Just above you can see a small foto of young Giger plus a larger foto from Li's painted body.

Giger's first poster ever produced.....
The booklet was pretty small (30 x 20 cm); hence the poster has originally been folded 3 times, to get it down to the booklets size; now the real sensation:
I got the poster from somebody which was right there, when they were folding and packing them to the booklets; and he took it away for himself after it had been folded only twice!!
And this was over 40 years ago!! He had kept it folded, but never framed or displayed; it still looks as if it was made yesterday; a few people couldn't believe it's age;
But I know where it came from and showed it to HR Giger; he immediately recognized it, but was pretty stunned himself, to see it in such a good condition;
important, contrary to the image, this one here for sale is NOT signed !