HR GIGER ; 1976  

at the Sydow Zirkwitz Gallery
at the Hotel Frankfurt Intercontinental, 1976

very rare exhibition print from 1976;

Check the similarity from the baby and Gigers face..

Print mesures 80 x 65 cm, mint condition, signed.

Very few prints must be left from 1976.. even less which are signed..

Hand-signed by the Master himself.

One of the most impressive HR Giger prints.

As background information I've added images of the cataalogue from 1976, from the first solo HR Giger Exhibiton in Germany, for which this poster / print has been made.

The catalogue is NOT included in the auction

Printed on heavy paper;  in good condition, in relation to its age.

This print was issued before Giger got famous with his aliens movies; so it was mostly bought by fervent collectors which already estimated his genius and which are very unwilling in selling anything. very difficult to found today.