Legend of Ai Khai

Legend has it that Ai Khai was a young novice monk following LP Thuad on his pilgrimage. When LP Thuad came to Wat Chedi, Si Chon district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, he ordered Ai Khai to stay there and look after the temple on his behalf. Not long after that, Ai Khai died when he was still a boy and his spirit has lived there ever since as a guardian. Ai Khai's spirit always keeps an eye on the temple; whoever goes in without permission or breaks into to the compound to steal things will be frightened away by him. 


The power of Ai Khai is widely known in Nakhon Si Thammarat and other provinces. People said that during World War II, he frightened the invading foreign soldiers, making sure that they ran away without thinking.


Because of the strong power of Ai Khai's spirit, in 2525 BE (1982 CE) people came together to build a statue of Ai Khai using Mai Takian wood (Mai Takian is a spirit inhabited tree in Thai belief) and invited his spirit to reside in the statue. That made Ai Khai's statue especially efficacious, because his spirit will help people with whatever things they pray for. Everyday, many devotees come to worship and make offerings to Ai Khai. They like to make a wish to Ai Khai's statue and many of them had their wish fulfilled; for example they win lottery prizes or find their missing things.

That caused Ai Khai's spirit to become very famous.




Product Description




Special ring because can Resize

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SIZE :  Resize fit all  ( can adjust under the ring )


I kai now 2021 is the best super windfall Lucky magic holy amulet in ASIA .



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Kuman Thong I Kai Wat Jeedee Magic Boy Doll Talisman Pendant .



Already blessed at wat JD temple by monk .



Khata activate


EI Ti Ei ti Kuman Kai J D

Ja ma ha tee ro

La pa La paa

Pa wan tu mae


then ask pray your wish .






Famous Guman Ai Khai (Novice Monk) ~ Wat Chedi & Wat Sra SiMun - The Famous Number One Guman In Thailand (Part 1 ~ Wat Chedi).

Here we'll sharing the Famous Spirit Guman AiKhai (novice monk) from Wat Chedi, the mystical spirit from long time ago and was related to Famous LP Thuad during his pilgrimage. The sacred Temple Wat Chedi is located far from main road, we could saw many of statues Rooster along the road and roughly counted was more than 80 statues of Big Rooster. Later we will share the another temple journey at Wat Sra Simun (and past abbot LP Therm). This part, we will focus the main temple of Guman AiKhai ~ Wat Chedi.



They make a wish toward spirit Guman AiKhai, many of them are fulfilled for example they won the lottery and found the missing things. Then the spirit Guman Ai Khai became famous. LP Therm was a former abbot of Wat Sra Si Mum and not far from Wat Chedi in the same province. He was the first monk who thought to make amulet of Guman AiKhai (name of mystical boy spirit).



According to legend, (novice monk) Ai Khai is a boy following LP Thuad on pilgrimage. When LP Thuad came to Wat Chedi, he ordered Ai Khai to stay there and look after the temple for him. Unfortunately, Ai Khai died young and his spirit has lived there since then and never fail his promise to look after the temple for LP Thuad. The spirit Guman Ai Khai always keeps an eye on the temple and who come without permission and burglars will be frightened by Guman Ai Khai spirit. Later LP Therm (past abbot of Wat SraSimun) was the first monk to made Guman Aikhai to worship.






Guman Ai Khai spirit to obsess in the statue, so Guman Ai Khai spirit will helps people who pray to him. 



The lighting firecrackers and the pieces of firecrackers pile up like a hill. Many devotees made the offering to lighting firecrackers to thanks Guman AiKhai.


in southern Thailand there is a famous child named Ai Kai. He is a child that always guarding in this te mple. He bring windfall luck to many people.



Worship AI Khai


Light 3 incense

give hime Red sweet water , Flower and fruit .

Recite Katha =


Lapa Lapa Pawun tu mea

Then ask your wish to AiKhai help you .




Ai Khai famous Worldwide


and also for your valuable collectible thing .


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