What is an Umbilical Hernia? 

Approximately 20% of newborns may have umbilical hernias. An umbilical hernia refers to a condition found most commonly in newborns, though it can also occur in adults. With this particular type of hernia, part of the intestine, usually near the belly button or navel, is able to extrude out past the stomach muscles. In newborns and young children, you may notice a rounded bump poking out from the abdomen, especially when babies use their stomach muscles for stretching, crying or having a bowel movement.

This pediatric umbilical truss is designed to provide relief and healing to infants suffering from an umbilical hernia as they grow.   A soft foam pad adds cushion and provides compression on the hernia. 

Este cinturón umbilical pediátrico está diseñado para proporcionar alivio y curación a los bebés que sufren de una hernia umbilical a medida que crecen. Una almohadilla de espuma suave agrega amortiguación y proporciona compresión en la hernia.