Extra Magnet for the EarthPulse Sleep on Command v.5.2 which is 30% more powerful than the previous v.4 system. 
The Pro has two outputs and two electromagnets for double the full body coverage of the standard unit. 
More new features: L-shaped cable tips allow for a longer plug life and easier transport. 
Two new programs are included: a hybrid Delta-rhythm sleep program called SleepEasy and a manual frequency mode that lets you choose one frequency for up to twelve hours for meditation, for Schumann generator use or for sleep experimentation. 

Children and sensitive people can use the new software controlled amplitude to help with acclimation (control from 10-100%). 
A one hour 14.1 Hz buffer is available on all sleep, recover and manual modes to help you wake up more effectively. 

Programsof the Earth Pulse: Recover: 9.6 Hz, up to 12 hours, with wake up phase. Great for power naps. Includes the 14.1 Hz buffer to wake you up more effectively. SleepEasy: When set for eight hours it starts at 9.6 Hz for ten minutes, then steps down to 3 Hz, then to 1Hz, then back up to 3, for four cycles followed by a wake up phase and one hour 14.1 Hz buffer. Sleep Mode 1: Starts at 9.6 Hz and goes to 1 Hz over a 45 minute period, then back to 5, back to 1 and back to 5 again for four cycles followed by the wake up phase and 14.1 Hz one hour buffer to help wake you up. Sleep Mode 2: Starts at 9.6 Hz, then down to 1 over 45 minutes, back to 3, down to 1 and back to 3 for four cycles before the wake up phase and buffer. Sleep Mode 3: Starts at 3 Hz, down to 1 and back to 3 for four cycles before the wake up phase and buffer. Also includes Alert, Manual Frequency, Entrainment Up, Entrainment Down.

You can put this extra magnet in one of the two output jacks of the EarthPulse v.5.2 Pro controller 

Lack of sleep is a huge problem. Statistics show around 75% of North American and European populations suffer from sleep issues at least two times a week. About 30% suffer from chronic sleep problems or insomnia most of the week. Lack of sleep is linked to stroke, heart disease, obesity, depression and many other ailments. The body must have deep sleep or it can’t function properly and can break down prematurely. The EarthPulse Sleep on Command has helped improve sleep for thousands since 2002, and has a reported success rate of 95% since 2008. Its amplitude can even be changed so it can be used with newborns.

The basics: The v.5.2 EarthPulse Sleep on Command is more effective for those who have thick mattresses or who want more field amplitude for a particular application. It’s powered by a 100-240V to 12V DC power supply (included) but can also work with a 12V Voltaic battery for equine, off grid or portable applications. Basically, it goes where you need it. More new features: L-shaped cable tips allow for a longer plug life and easier transport. Two new programs are included: a hybrid Delta-rhythm sleep program called SleepEasy and a manual frequency mode that lets you choose one frequency for up to twelve hours for meditation, for Schumann generator use or for sleep experimentation. 

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field generators and other similar sleep products don’t come close to the results reported by EarthPulse clients after regular use at night. Some use waveforms that aren’t correct for sleep and are only used sparingly, reducing the effect. Products with 20Hz systems can produce stress hormones in animals. Night time use has benefits you can’t get from short sessions during the day. Because the EarthPulse works all night, the benefit does not cease. And a change to Alert mode in the morning can help wake you back up! Just place the hockey puck sized inductor under the mattress and turn it on, choose the mode, set your timer and hit start. That’s it. The programming helps you in the morning by tuning your brain toward a state of alertness starting 30 minutes before you’re set to wake. Some clients place the magnet closer to them to help with acute issues.