Buddha Looks Upon The Bathing Woman (Original Black And White Dark Room....

Black and White Photography Picture,  (Buddha looks upon the Bathing Woman) from my "Symbols and Apocalyptic Visions "series by me, James Dillon Broxson. Shipped with USPS Priority Mail.
Picture is approximately 11.5 inches across and 7.5 inches down based off of board frame and print on an 11 by 14 photo paper original develop. It is in the same photo board display from when I made it in black and white film photography class at Pensacola state college. Board with my signature is 20/17 . I am not absolutely perfect with my 8ths and 16ths with measuring tape so if you need exact measurements please let me know! Full disclosure! This represents a bunch of work. Manual apertures and exposures,  light gauges,  hours in a processing lab and thoughtful to philosophical import of my personal project. There are many different things that I could say about what different works mean to me but this one was very relevant to me not only for when I made it but many gained a personal meaning during 2020 that was to me haunting and beautiful at the same time.  Artist: James Dillon Broxson.