Team Edward or Team Jacob?: The Portrayal of Two Versions of the "Ideal" Male Romantic Partner in the Twilight Film Series

Paperback / Softback
Bedoya Sur, Paola
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
188 pages; 220 x 150 mm
EUR 68,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Team Edward or Team Jacob?
The popularity of the Twilight saga, enhanced by the film adaptations of the books, sparked a series of interesting reactions of fans. One was the creation of Team Edward and Team Jacob, in which fans aligned with one or the other character and argue about which one of them could be a better romantic partner. This study explores the messages the movies are sending to young girls around the world about what are the traits of the ideal male romantic partner as portrayed through the characters of Edward and Jacob. A textual analysis of the first three movie adaptations of the saga, Twilight (2008), New Moon (2009), and Eclipse (2010) was conducted. Based in social cognitive theory and using a feminist critical approach, Paola Bedoya argues that these messages might be teaching young girls lessons about relationships that are up to certain degree dangerous, some of them perpetuating patriarchy.
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