Precision Instrumentation Amplifiers and Read-Out Integrated Circuits

Paperback / Softback
Wu, Rong; Huijsing, Johan H.; Makinwa, Kofi A
Springer, Berlin
196 pages; XII, 196 p.; 12 x 154 x 240 mm
Reihe / Serie
Analog Circuits and Signal Processing
Dynamic Offset Cancellation, Low Frequency Error Mitigation, Operational Amplifiers, Wireless Sensor Networks, Analog-to-Digital-Converters, Analog Circuits and Signal Processing, Precision Amplifier Design
EUR 149,79 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Precision Instrumentation Amplifiers and Read-Out Integrated Circuits
This book offers innovations in the theory, design and realization of low-noise, low-drift interface electronics for bridge transducers and thermocouples. The focus is on power efficient dynamic offset cancellation techniques to mitigate low frequency errors.

This book presents innovative solutions in the design of precision instrumentation amplifier and read-out ICs, which can be used to boost millivolt-level signals transmitted by modern sensors, to levels compatible with the input ranges of typical Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs). The discussion includes the theory, design and realization of interface electronics for bridge transducers and thermocouples. It describes the use of power efficient techniques to mitigate low frequency errors, resulting in interface electronics with high accuracy, low noise and low drift. Since this book is mainly about techniques for eliminating low frequency errors, it describes the nature of these errors and the associated dynamic offset cancellation techniques used to mitigate them.

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