Microworm Starter Culture

Microworms are by far the easiest live food to raise/maintain for your fry and nano fish. They are actually nematodes that belong to the species Panagrellus. And they are even smaller than newly hatched brine shrimp which make them ideal for the tiniest of fry. Their movement in the water column makes them very attractive to all types of small fish such as guppies, tetras, danios, and many more. It is extremely cheap to maintain and a great source of food for your fish.

Materials Needed:
- Plastic container and lid with air hole (plug hole with filter floss to prevent pests)
- Instant mashed potatoes (less smelly than oatmeal)
- Active dry yeast

Setting Up Microworm Culture:
1. Add <1 inch layer of instant mashed potatoes to container
2. Mix with water until wet but not runny
3. Mix in 1 tsp of active yeast
4. Add in microworm culture and put lid on container
5. Keep culture at room temperature 68-85 F and away from direct sunlight
6. Stir culture once a week or so
7. Start another culture every month or so

Feeding Fish Instructions:
1. When culture is ready (after 5-7 days), you will see microworms climbing up the sides of container, swab these out to feed to fish
2. Feed to fish, they will last 2-3 days in freshwater

In order to keep the prices low for everyone, these cultures will be sent by standard size envelope through First Class Mail so there is no tracking provided for it.

Note: Not shipping to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska due to regulations, orders will be cancelled