The Current Practice and Problems of School Based Supervision

Paperback / Softback
Kelkay, Asrat Dagnew
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
116 pages; 220 x 150 mm
EUR 49,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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The Current Practice and Problems of School Based Supervision
Schools are the formal agencies of education where the future citizens are shaped and developed through the process of teaching and learning. So, schools need to help all students to develop their potential to the fullest level. This requires the effectiveness and commitment of the stakeholders particularly teachers, school leaders and management. The book particularly, treated the current practices and problems of school based supervision in terms of the three domains of supervision; namely curriculum development, instructional development and staff development. In decentralized education system school based supervision closely monitor what is going on in schools and give consistent support to teachers so as to improve conditions that surround learning and pupils' growth is an important issue. Therefore, the book may have the following significance: It benefits to create awareness among the school teachers about their roles in the supervisory activities of their respective schools and the services they are provided with, and it may also have high significance in facilitating the teaching and learning process of the schools instructional systems.
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