Drug-metal ion interaction: Analytical techniques for complexation

Paperback / Softback
Shah, Priyanka; Shrivastav, Pranav; Shah, Jaivik
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
52 pages; 220 x 150 mm
Drugs, thermodynamics, Spectrophotometry, pharmaceuticals, Metal ions, Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Conductometry, complexation
EUR 35,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Drug-metal ion interaction
The development of new pharmaceuticals has undergone a substantial change over the past decade and continues to change rapidly because of unexpected side effects and problems experienced in clinical trials. This has created a difficult environment for researchers developing new pharmaceuticals; as a result, the number of new chemical entities being registered as pharmaceuticals has fallen to a historic low. But this environment also provides many opportunities for creative solutions to be applied to address such problems and concerns. This book make it an ideal reference work for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of chemistry, biochemistry, industrial chemistry, environmental science, pharmacy and related principles working in the field of metal-drug complexation. The users of this book can find information about the related analytical instrumental techniques in a logical form for a complexation study. Special about this book....... Ideal proportion of theoretical principles, Instrumentation and Pharmaceutical Applications List of contents for every chapter for rapid review and remembrance Simple language Lucid presentation Easy readability with acceptable letter size
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