Knol Khol Seed Production: A Study in North Western Plains of India: Studies on Transplanting Dates and Methods of Seed Production in Knol Khol

Paperback / Softback
Ranjit, Kaki; Kumar, Sanjeev
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
92 pages
EUR 49,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Knol Khol Seed Production: A Study in North Western Plains of India
The present investigation was carried out at SKUAST of Jammu, India, with the objective of getting information on suitable method of seed production and dates of transplanting under subtropical conditions of Jammu, during 2009 10. Two methods of seed production (insitu and exsitu) and three dates of transplanting (1st October, 15th October and 30th October) making 6 treatment combinations were replicated 4 times in RBD (factorial). The studies revealed that insitu method of seed production significantly influenced most of the traits. 1st October transplanting proved significantly superior to all the characters except for days to 50% bolting and days to 50% flowering. The interaction effect of method of seed production and dates of transplanting showed that treatment combination M1D1 (insitu method of seed production x 1st October transplanting date) significantly influenced plant height, days to seed maturity, number of seeds per siliqua, seed yield per plant. It can be concluded that insitu method of seed production and 1st October transplanting showed better performance for maximum characters, whereas M1D1 combination proved best of all other interaction effects.
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